The moment I hear a knock, I know that I’m about to be swung wide open. I anticipated it; sometimes, I even relish at the thought of it.
They come, and they go; off to do whatever it is they do in the mornings. But they always come back, weary and exhausted, sometime later along the day. It seems as if they are a creature of habit, well, for those who return, anyway.
Among this tribe of seemingly-intelligent animals, I feel like I belong... but only to exist; to serve a purpose.
There is always a knock, that is true. Someone from the other side answers the call. The creature from the outside passes through.
I’ve always been there for them; doing my part; obliging.
But, sometimes I wonder... if a knock would ever be addressed to me. Maybe, I won’t be noticed; perhaps they just don’t care. Regardless, I’d still do what they ask me to.
It’s not like I could go anywhere, anyway.
With its spine balanced upon my fingers, I begin my descent Into the world that revealed itself; strange and out of reach. A lustrous new landscape that expands beyond the horizon.
A land unknown to anyone, except to those who venture. A myriad of oceans and mountains litter the landscape. A trail of unfamiliar memories, yearning to be explored.
Pass through its peaks and valleys, and you’ll always find a story. Some fascinating, some unbecoming, but always something new.
At the end of every journey, there’s a lesson to be learned. I close the covers, and the world (I became familiar with) fades out from existence.
But it’s always there, should I need my reprieve. Forever within my reach.
It wasn’t yours to take, But nevertheless, you ripped it from my grasp.
Misery, how I love your company — It’s never too safe. Our eyes meet, but our gazes adrift — To trust a familiar face. It was never yours, and it was never mine. At least show some decency not to cross the line!
Silent whispers, I mumble; My mind starts to race.
There’s a light floating outside of my room. Teasing me, luring me. I tell myself to ignore it, but my senses betray me. A padlocked door is the only thing keeping me from the ‘outside’
I try so hard to not give in; hoping that whatever’s out there is not a bad thing. Out from the comforts of my room awaits an unfamiliar world, away from the restraint and the tedium. The light calls out to me. Should, I maybe unlock the door?
My room had kept me safe for as long as I can remember. But my room has kept me away from the things that I cherish. If I leave it now, would it really make that much of a difference? Maybe, it’s time for me to unlock the door.
But if I go into the light, would that really be enough to set me free? I’ll forever be stuck in a room; there was never really an escape for me. Should I even bother unlocking the door?
But what if the light is deceiving me? That there was never even a chance of freedom for me? Maybe I shouldn’t even bother unlocking the door.
Here, I sit in the comforts of my room. Helping me, suppressing me. I tell myself that everything’s fine, but my thoughts betray me. A padlocked door is the only thing standing between me and the outside.