The best thing about cafes is all the peoplewatching you can do. Sitting there I glanced at folk, watching their mannerisms imagining their lives.
A man entered the cafe. A woman caught the door behind him on the way in so that it wouldn’t swing into her.
The man chose a seat. Before the woman could settle into a seat herself, he said “I’ll have one of those muffins and a cappuccino.” pointing at the cabinet. The woman ordered, the woman paid.
What a beautiful dress she’s wearing I thought. It swished as she walked over to her table. She sat and I could see how she tried to initiate conversation with the man. The man already had his phone out. Head down, his cap cutting off any attempts she made at communication.
Honestly, why bother with a loser like that, I thought to myself. I looked at him a little closer. He really hadn’t made much effort- shirt, board shorts, thongs.
He must’ve felt me looking at him. He jerked his head upwards. And I found myself staring straight into the eyes of my once childhood sweetheart.