In the vast, scorching expanse of the Gobiara Desert, life clings to existence with a tenacity that defies the harshness of its environment. I am but a tiny creature in this immense world—a scarab beetle named Khepri, named after an ancient god of creation, revered in legends long lost to the sand. My days are spent navigating the dunes, a miniature explorer in a land of giants, where each grain o...
In the age-old world of Eldanar, the heavens cracked open under a blood-red moon, signaling the return of the old gods. These beings, forged from the primal energies of creation, had watched from their celestial thrones as humanity grew, thrived, and eventually forgot the sacred pacts of old. With the gods’ descent came their ancient guardians and monsters, creatures of myth and nightmare, unleash...
In the quaint seaside town of Willowby, nestled on the edge of the rugged cliffs overlooking the North Sea, there lived a thief named Lila. She was an enigma, cloaked in the charm of a small-town girl, but with a spirit as wild and unpredictable as the ocean winds. Lila didn't steal for greed; she stole to survive and to support the orphanage that had once been her sanctuary and home.
Willowby was...