The glass vial lay shattered on the floor. Glass shards still remain, piercing my hand. blood is dripping down my finger tips. my breath begins to catch in my lungs as i reach for my heart. i can hear it pumping in my brain. over and over and over again. bump, bump, bump. my vision becomes blurry and the taste of the vile liquid is now apparent in my throat. do you feel remorse? reading the words of my final moments. the moment your actions have led to? you. did. this. how does it feel? can you also feel the glass, taste the poison, hear the beat? my legs become weak. i stumble to the floor. landing on the glass and my other hand now becoming riddled with shards. i look up. i can no longer make out shapes, but i can see the light. the shine of the light that hangs from my ceiling. a dim warm hue. warm like you. my head hits the floor and my eyes are blurry once more. now from tears. they trickle down the sides of my face. i reach to wipe them, only smearing the blood from my hands across my cheeks. glass reminants find a home in my flesh. the light is dimmer now. almost distance. the beating has slowed and the taste watered down with my saliva. this is it. i close my eyes. welcoming, i breathe my last and final harsh breath. inhaling the imaginary sweet scent of you and exhaling the imaginary relationship between us.