Her snorkel pinches her nose as she fiercely flips her fins to swim farther out to sea. The water is tranquil, cold and numbing to her skin. A burst of color flashes in with a school of fish, but back out again.
Her skin tingles and her face is cool in the water. Gazing deeper into the deep blue, she sees mystery, desire to go deeper, and impulse. Dive. Deeper and deeper until the sun becomes a beacon at the end of a tunnel of water.
Gasp. It’s cold down deep. It’s dark and she feels desperate to gasp for air. She fights. She swims hard to force herself to the surface. Gasp! The air is fresh, warm, and soothing. Warm breaths. The sea is rough. The water shoves her at its will. She fights. The sea is powerful, but so is she. The sand comforts her like home.
Her place of solice, her deep blue, full of her soul, has taught her lessons. Staring at its vastness she suddenly feels small. She is a force, like the ocean with its depths ever changing.