“Jackie! Can you just stop, PLEASE,” Lynn exclaims as Jackie says under her breath, with a mocking tone, “let’s take a mindful stroll in a STONED WALL, labyrinth. Great idea Lynn.”
“They open this part of the park next week. I thought it would be fun to be the first ones to go through the labyrinth. We just need to rest and make a better plan. How does that sound Jackie?”
“I don’t see another option.” Jackie points at the path that goes left. Lynn says”We can use my lipsticks to mark the path, you know so we can see a new way out.”
“Let’s mark here and turn left” smirks Jackie.
“Do you see anything, yet? Lynn?” Jackie can feel the heaviness in her chest and tightness in her throat as she can’t see or hear “LYNN LYNN!”
The exterminator arrived to see a thick snot trail leading into the back yard. As the exterminator got closer he could smell a rotten egg smell, sulfur so thick it coated his nose and throat. He saw some kind of flying praying mantis with feathers. A grave yard of insects and snail shells littered the ground as far as the eye could see.