I wake up for school and walk over to my bathroom, I quickly brush my teeth and hair. Once I finish curling my hair, I head to my closet. The uniforms have always been boring and plain, so It’s a good thing that they let us mix it up. For my uniform I usually wear the regular skirt, but I sewed black lace to the bottom, and I wear black lace tights, with black and white sneakers. My top is a white blouse with lace. The school sweater is all right but I still decorate it, I use pins of my favorite bands, I wear the cutest black and grey gloves under the sleeves. I add a black beanie on my head with skull clips. People have always said my style matches my mood, as I never smile and am as mysterious as I dress.
It’s impossibly ugly this sweater But I wear it each weak, No matter the weather It’s been through thick and thin I’ve had it for the longest time It was my mothers before mine And her mother before her The sweater has been through generations of my family It’s been knitted and crocheted throughout the years It’s very near and dear to my heart People say it’s ugly And always ask “who made it” in their snarkiest tone I know it’s ugly But it’s comfy And I love it It has generations of my family love So no, it’s not ugly it’s special It’s my special sweater And I’ll wear it through every weather
What do I do in my time off? Well I mean, I have 3 cats, Mocha, Matcha, and Mapple. There a lot of work but I love them. I also write mainly poems, ooooh and I looooove art. Painting my cats brings me joy. People are scared of me because of well I’m the Grim Reaper, but I go by grim to my close friends, well my cats. Anyways that’s all the time I got, byeee.
I’m done, a whisper unleashes under my breath. The sky is gorgeous out, the stars gimmer, I smile softly. My legs hang off the edge as I look down, wait if you thought I was gonna jump you need help. I’m enjoying the view and I said I’m done cause I finished my homework, stop assuming the worst. It’s to gorgeous for that, plus life’s way to amazing no matter the problem.
The clock almost strikes midnight, as I rush out of the place. He follows me, which makes me run faster, as I start to trip I pick myself back up and continue. I turn corner after corner until I notice he’s gone, I mean why would he want to date me, I’m a nobody. Guess I’m back here, this nightmare. My dress fades, back in my rags, I clean the rooms and prepare dinner for my step family. My chance to leave is gone, huh. Now I’m trapped being a maid for all eternity…
My friends warned me, why didn’t I listen. They told me not to come but I did. Its creepy and old, this house is broken and destroyed. Tiles creek and lift as I walk up the stairs. Carpets on the floor gone and destroyed, noises are heard coming from the attic. I look around the upstairs and walk into the kids bedroom, tired it is, there’s the bunk bed for twins with worn out stuffed animals on the beds. I turn and look into the mirror, my eyes burned as I felt my reflection shift in a way I didn’t. I ignore it and turn around to leave. Just then I heard a noise from the mirror. I turn around and nothing happened so I ignore it and go to leave. When in that moment something jumps at me from behind, a version of me. I barely got to see him for a second as I blacked out, and that was the last place I was ever seen, at least the real me. As I’m still trapped in this mirror for eternity, with no way to know what has happened in my world, that is until someone else walks in front of this mirror..
Another long day of school got me tired, so luckily I already finished my homework. Mom’s at work, Kayla and Kai are sleeping in their bunk beds. Mom texts me as she has a date tonight with another guy of one of her dating apps, she wants me to grab her pearl necklace and run it to the car for her. So I go to her room and look around, 3 heart shape boxes catch my eyes, one labeled Kai, another Kayla, and the third, Darien, my name. As I open the box theres….teeth..? I open all three, they al have teeth, though Kai only has 5, Kayla has 8, and their all of my teeth as well. Why would she keep that, I know the tooth fairy isn’t real but why would she……my eyes redirect onto more heart boxes. Why is there so many….? She only has 3 kids, whose teeth are these? They look like adult teeth.. I grab the pearl necklace, shove them all back to where they were, pretend I saw nothing as I give her the necklace. As I should probably ask her another day..