Abigail gazed in the mirror and saw the white hair, the wrinkled skin, and the weary allowed herself to look in the mirror after her recent illness. she stared with deep melancholy. Before she knew it Abigail hurled a bottle from the bureau at the reflection and as the mirror cracked light filled the room and she saw a delightful small girl running through a field of hay near a familiar farmhouse that fir some reason flooded her with joy. Another little child followed and sang a silly rhyming song about a gingerbread cookie shouting out, “Run, run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man.” The girls chased each other as peals of laughter filled the air. Soon a beautiful women appeared on the front porch and in a sweet voice beckoned them into the farmhouse for dinner. The girl’s ran quickly toward the beautiful woman who ran to embrace them both.
Abigail was enthralled by what she saw. Everything was light, wispy and beautiful. As the girls giggled she realized one of those children was her and the warm arms that held her tight were her mothers. She smiled feeling only joy. She turned to look back and saw a broken down, unkempt farmhouse which resembled the beautiful one she was about enter. Something was familiar about that old house and as she turned to go with the dear, dear mother Abigail exclaimed with joy, “Ugly old house, somehow you I have forgotten!”