<<Hello! My name is Scott Shelman. I was born on 2015, so i’m 8 by the time i’m hiding this box, we are on 2023.
You will be wondering (or maybe you don’t even speak english anymore) why am I writing a letter. I have so many questions for 2523 but my father says it’s a waste of time, i’ll never know the answer, that’s why i’m the one how’s going to explain you how’s life on earth at these “hard times” (that’s how my father calls them at least, I don’t think they’re that hard, actually they are pretty cool for me).
First of all, this is still England? I’ve heard grandpa saying that this country would probably disappear if we keep going like we are. I let you an actual screenshot from Google Maps so you can compare it to yours, I hope the swimming pool is still opened.
On the other hand, there’s a picture of me and my family and one of my friends. Are humans still… you know, humans? There’s been an alien invasion? Maybe what we consider human on 2523 will be considered an alien, that’s why I put that photo into the box. Look at my dog! Isn’t it cute? He’s really really old, more than me actually. Dog’s are still your friends? Because Nelly is my best friend (although she smells really bad sometimes).
My grandma also gave me the idea of putting on a QR code that would lead you to my playlist, there you can listen to nowadays music (my big sister helped me filling it, she always complains about my music taste). Spotify is still working? I’m sure it is, if it’s not you can look for music on Youtube, right?
You have to appreciate the fact I gave you one of my favorite toys, this dragon really meant a lot for me, but you and your friends can have it in the future, please take care of Franklin.
Finally, i’m giving you my father’s old phone (and the charger just in case you need it, maybe it runs out of battery). In this phone you will find so many videos and documentary’s i’ve been recording for a while now. In these I show you my friends, my favorite park, some trips with my family and basically how life works nowadays (ps: the password is 2023).
I’m really excited for you to open thsi box, I hope you love it as much as I do and do the same for the future.
Love, your friend from the past, Scott. >>