“When the DUI mail starts flowing in my straight edge religious father will see it. I’ve only drank a handful of times. How could I have not been aware of my actions and stopped myself from getting behind the wheel? I’ve led my life around so many accomplished people. Everyone will know. My father will want to disown me. I will be trying to redeem myself for years. I had not yet achieved his approval even before I went and fucked everything up! Now it’s all gone to shit.”
I scrub out for the last time. I change my clothes and grab my keys out of my bag, putting it on my shoulder. My coworkers embrace me before I depart. My career has been the main focus of my life for many years. I am onto a new journey. I will book a one-way ticket soon. I will go where the wind takes me, but someday I will live on a tropical island. I want to meet a woman and build a house. I’ve dreamed about this again, And again.
I am a healer and leaving the hospital is not the end, it’s a change. I drive away, one last glance in my rear view.