Writing Prompt


Submitted by Sunday

You don’t experience the world with names or labels for things. You only smell, see, hear, feel, and taste.

Write a story or poem from the POV of a cat.



I lay in bed today. Well on the bed. This other being feeds me, I lie on him. I wait for him. I sniff. I try to go into the cupboard. I paw at it. There must be some real magic inside. Some special treats, but it’s always blocked off. Then I get bored and I remember my nice. I lie on my back and play with him and the string. I enjoy the rough sensation of the Matt against my back. I am alive. I look outside the window. I don’t see much. Sometimes I see the other cat. He’s grey and has wild green eyes, just like mine. We stare each other out. He looks at me as though he is the winner because I am stuck indoors whilst he has my territory to roam around in, but he knows I always have the best of him when we’re evenly matched. The little whipper snapper! My dad let me outside today. I like to sniff amongst the leaves or just lie down on the cool grass. I tend to get tired of that though and miss the warmth, so I’ll wait until dad lets me back in. I’m starting to work out how to communicate with him. He let me out pretty much immediately today when I leaped up onto the door. He things I’m a fickle, precious thing but I do demand my freedom too. I know he doesn’t want to deny me that. He wants me to feel safe. I sometimes feel all the tension in his body. He was very lonely until I came along, but now we’re together. The universe brought us together. I do like it here. I get fed and I can relax whenever I want and most of all I love it when I can just lie on my dad and he strokes me and we go to sleep together, sharing the most amazing dreams.


I nestle my head against the soft blanket, stretching my arms and legs. A squeak escapes my mouth and I yawn as I open my eyes the bright light streaming through. The morning sun shines from the windows as I arch my back and glance at my human. It appears by her peaceful face and her closed eyes it is not yet her time to rise. But I find myself awake and in need of a tickle or scratch behind my ear. I walk over to her side of the bed and knead my paws into her side. A meow bellows from my croaky morning voice as I nudge into her face. She groans in her sleep and turns over. Well it was worth a try. I jump of the bed, shaking my head and ringing my bell. I love that sound, makes me feel important. Maybe time for some food but no my human still has not arisen to feed me. Off to glance at some birds hungrily I guess. I walk over to the window and see my reflection through it. Well I think if looks could kill then I could kill every bird in those trees. I see my soft, glimmering ginger coat and yellow big eyes staring back at me. I would be scared if I was a bird, I mean I’m quite intimidating. If only I could get beyond this see though glass and run my paws through the soft grass. Chase the birds and call to them. There is a big fat bird in the tree, I lick my lips. I wonder if it tastes like that chicken I get every morning or better. But I will never find out as my human tries to tame me daily. I do love her but the thing is, I’m a wild animal and that I’m tame.

I hear my human getting out of bed in the next room, walking over to the kitchen. Well I guess it’s time to pester her again. I follow her back into her room as she sits in her chair drinking her morning coffee. Hmmm that lap looks nice, I jump onto the chair and then again into her lap, purring and bumping into her hand for more head scratches. “Good morning Milkhy”, she says and she stares down lovingly at me and kissing my head. I always like those kisses, makes me feel warm. But not only that I always like the mornings before my human leaves the house for today. I stretch out my paws and drift off, making use of the warmth of her and dream about a time when I can escape and eat that yummy bird. Well who knows if it’s yummy but I know one day I will be curious and smart enough to escape and taste it.