Writing Prompt
Describe the ugliest creature your imagination can make up.
Try to build the clearest image possible of the most gruesome creature you can make up - this should not be a real animal, although you could base it on one.
Used and discarded, that’s how I felt. Witnessing everyone turn on me for a misunderstanding. The one and only time I wasn’t walking on eggshells, I was made to feel as if I was worth nothing.
All those times that girl, that singular girl that they all flock to, started to dislike me. That was the end of my life as I knew it. And it was almost the end of my life in general. Because as much as she would deny it, she had all the power in that dynamic.
I didn’t want my life to be a living hell with the assistance of the girl who claimed to be my sister and best friend.
The ugliest creature I can think of.
That's the prompt, right?
So why can I only picture myself?
Staring into a mirror, my thoughts are all but positive.
Everyone around me is perfect, so why do I hold such high expectations for myself?
The ugliest creature I can think of.
I try to picture a gruesome creature, maybe with tons of eyes..
but I only ever see my own staring back at me.
My reflection gives me nightmares, and I'm terrified of what everyone thinks of me.
Although I don't think anyone could say something that I haven't told myself already.
So the ugliest creature I can think of only has two, uneven eyes.
It has messy brown hair, and wears.. braces.
It doesn't know what it's doing in life, and has no idea who it wants to be.
I'm the ugliest creature I can think of.
It’s like a regular guy but he’s mean to children and his mom. He litters and chews with his mouth open. He only takes pennies from those take-a-penny-leave-a-penny dishes. He doesn’t tip. He refers to women as femoids unironically. He livestreams. He doesn’t vote but he loves Elon Musk. He took out a second mortgage to buy cybertruck. He calls himself a MAGA Communist.
Its thick head was said to be full of bliss and ignorance, rather than intelligence and mindfulness. Some said their tongues were terribly sharp, able to steal ones emotions or thoughts, some say its appearance and tongue were so distinct it was hard to feel anything but misery around it. It only ever lurked around a misty glowing aura, not even one can comprehend. Only this beast is able to contain it, but sometimes, its power sucks the beast into a mind numbing hour of blind blissfullness. Its skin was pale, wrinkled, and fat folds hung loose from its belly, like it was the victims that the beast had devoured with its sharp tongue. It only would ever back away if one stood up to it, making a loud commotion, making themselves seem bigger. The beast would hurry away and not return unless its ego had.
Humans, m’ I right?
Also, I said the beast lingered around a ‘ bright glowing aura that sometimes sucked the beast into a numbing blisfullness,” Phone.
Valgren the destroyer of worlds
Cold dark black Iridescent scales Large horned head stone shaped Nose The eyes of death the creature hunts Until the target is destroyed taking life Force from all living forms If you can handed your worst fear when you look into it’s eyes it will show you your fate The dragon lives on it cannot die It can’t be slayed so don’t even try Bound to the staff of Ethereal so are the death mages linked to this beast
A horrible loud piercing sound echoed in the night if you are marked for this beast he will find you it never rests until your dead
A moving figure, shadows. Grinning teeth, daggers. Harsh whispers, chants.
“Explain to me…” said therapist one. “What do your demons look like?”
Evil smile, I lean forward. “Your worst nightmare.”
“Explain to me, the details,” she whispered.
Lean back, dark green cushioned chair. Grip the armrests, long black nails. Stare; golden, blue and green eyes.
“The shadow? The demons?” I smirk. “Yes, please.” Said cautiously.
Black shadows, quick as lightning. Striking down on me mentally. Begging me to end it all.
Chanting, growling. Clawing toward the surface. They laugh, they jeer. Make fun and mock.
Pointed teeth, flashing eyes. A worn shadow- No. Many. Many shadows.
Well, I guess that makes me… The Shadow Queen.
i find myself held in the jaws of depravity. the teeth so sharp, dipped in vicious brutality.
my arms are pinned down by claws made to scar. they leave a poison, decay to spread too far.
the attacker drops its hold, it’s musky breath smells greedy. when i look into it’s eyes, i see the true creature before me.
a predator with rotten desire, seeking to consume beauty. with no safety to run free, i let his venom encompass me.
Bow shaped eyes drenched with mascara, lips plumped with blood red lipstick - she has tried her best to be beautiful. But her eyes are hunting for the next prey, her lips are contorted in disgust. Her disgust for the world which never treats her well. Her figure is odd, square shaped and fat, for all she can quench her hunger with are thrown away chips and unwanted junk food. Is she not the ugliest creature in this beautiful world? Or has she lost her chance to be beautiful in this ugly world?
Twisted grin, dark teeth, bad breath. You exude evil with each move, word, action. You embody all that creates a nightmare. One that I cannot wake from. Your lanky limbs and pointy fingers reaching for something or someone to latch and pull down with you. Your skin emits a stench that makes me want to run. I cannot stand to be in your presence, yet have no way to escape.
Your sunken eyes are dark and deep. Your tongue sharp and bitter. Cutting like the sharpest and dullest knife all at once. You inspire fear that I cannot explain. All I know is all I want to do is run for my life
Imagine the most ugly creature and your mind will jump to the things of nightmares. The alien, the demon or the monster under your childhood bed. But none of those scare me.
The ugliest creature lives inside me. It claws at the concept of who I believe I am. It tells me I’m not good enough. Not strong enough. Not enough for my friends and family. Never enough.
It is my inner critic and it is cruel. Moments of bliss have whispers of defeat. Moments of beauty are shaded grey. And when I can’t sleep - that is when it is the most loud.
It is repulsive. It is hideous. It is me.
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