Writing Prompt
Write a ghazal about someone you miss.
Ghazals are an ancient Arabic poetic form that consists of a minimum of five couplets, with each line of the couplet ending with the same word. They are usually about the beauty of love in spite of sadness.
Love And death
Life does not begin with birth nor end in death But stretches, if remembered, beyond all death
Love shines, a gemstone in the settings of our heart The one thing that lasts indefinitely, even after death
Every time we close our eyes, do we leave this plane? And when we sleep, is it a departure, a tiny death?
Do not remember me for my attributes, not my beauty, But for my actions, the legacy I leave that lasts after death
For you I will dive to the bottom of the ocean For you I will brave the cold, dark depths of death
 Face It
If your heart was never mine, then why did you let me claim it? My love for you burned so brightly, I’m still trying to contain it.
You said you love me. Was it ever real? Or did you fake it? Did you intend, from the very start, to take my heart and break it?
I used to hope your heart was just sleeping, and that I could awake it, But then your actions spoke the truth, Now I can’t mistake it.
Yet still, without you, I’m fucking empty. Some days I can’t take it. I wish I could just be like you, And fake it till I make it.
But it’s too late now, What’s done is done, And time cannot erase it. Reality may be a fucking bitch, but I have no choice but to face it.
Endless Night 
In the quiet of the evening, I whisper your name into the night, With every longing in my soul, I search for you in the night.
The moon above, a silent witness to the tears that I have cried, Each drop a memory of love, a pearl gleaming in the night.
The stars, they write our story across the canvas of the sky, A tale of love that once burned bright, now lost within the night.
In dreams, I feel your presence, like a breeze that gently sighs, A fleeting touch, a whispered breath, a comfort in the night.
And though the dawn may steal the stars and bring the day to light, My heart will always hold a place for you, my endless night.
Hi 😐
i don’t kno what a ghazal or a couplet is .so i’ll just put sumthing .
i miss the hugs ,the way you glanced over at me from youre books .
the way you laughed and hit my shoulder .the first time i saw you cry ,my heart fell .
i remember it so good .how your checkered nails were in my back .you stepped on my toes to .in the black shoes you had on
i remember closing my eyes while i held you .you scared me ,i never wanted to c you cry .thats not what friend’s are for .
but atleast i was there 2 hold u .friends are built for that .
The Twins
I miss you both everyday; I think about you everyday.
I’ve watched you grow from afar, You both grew little by little everyday.
I know that you are better with them, I remember changing your diapers everyday.
I wasn’t the brother I should of been, when we meet again - I will tell you that I love you everyday.
Until that day comes, I will pray. I’ll pray that one day I will see your faces everyday.
There was a plan in place for us to separate. One day we will stand together - everyday.
I can be driving to work or walking the dog And that song will stop me dead
Flashbacks of a summer love, lost Your smile, our dreams, dead
And it for a moment the regret overwhelms I can barely think, breathe, inside I’m dead
And I hope you’re happy since I couldn’t make you that way Took your heart and mangled it, wrangled it dead
Didn’t love myself enough to love you I hope she loves you until you’re both dead
Now Press Repeat
In my dream we were at the lake again. Consumed by the sunset’s red wake again.
The world in your eyes reflected the sky but mine were opaque again,
they swallowed the light, then your eyes, and then you, and I knew that I had made a mistake again.
The milky way stretched their glittering arms and said that you weren’t mine to take again.
I was lost in this mirror without your gaze to guide me back to daybreak again.
But the stars didn’t want me any more than you did, so I found myself jolting awake again.
When I wake up my mouth is dry again, and I remember that it is July again.
with my blankets sweat damp and cooling on my skin I wonder if I will cry again.
In the past, my dear phone would filter in blueish dawn just to tell me that you said goodbye again after I fell asleep, a victory for you, until I was the first to say hi again.
Cruel instinct means that the morning’s first chime brings a joy that’s aborted when it clicks that it’s not your awaited reply again.
The dust dances in light that sneaks past the curtain. My room has turned into a sty again.
I can’t turn it on, that world we once shared, I’ll disconnect my shitty wifi again
That space, it feels empty even though it is crowded, and your absence I cannot deny again.
I can imagine you here, your shoulder to mine, want my fingers to run up your thigh again.
But then I imagine the look on your LED-lit face when you asked me to try and not lie again.
One minute, maybe two, and this world I forsake again. my weak will cannot endure the pain of this ache again.
The stars stare on down and wonder out loud I have never been fixed, could I break again?
I think of your smile and I think of your eyes As the sky sees itself in the lake again.
A Little Ghazal
I still feel your presence, in thoughts and dreams You're gone, yet you live in my awake dreams
I still look back and wonder if it was right But the things you told me just didn't feel right
Who were you becoming and why the hatred? I didn't recognise you, there was too much hatred.
Scared and confused, I had to let you go No room for me in the direction you wanted to go
It was such a long time ago but I am still sad I miss you every day, part of me is always sad.
Still Miss Me
My shoulders sag wearily Realizing what I miss is me
Life’s weight squeezes me empty Leaving a depressed version of me
Grasping, gasping trying to break free Struggling to find time to be me
Handfuls of stories, all key To filling a cup full of me
hard won lessons from the journey Realizing what I still miss is me
Of the things I need most from love Doubt is what I need least from love.
When standing beside you with others close I need never to question or mistrust your love.
If my hand covers yours in a moment of hope You’ll have mine forever along with my love.
Would you come back to me, arms outstretched Give me time for my heart to remember our love?
Poured out from my chest and left in an urn Mourning loss and rejection, the memory of love.