Writing Prompt
Write about an argument that occurs during a King’s feast.
Whether you write this as a fantasy world, a past era, or a hint at a real-life scene, what directions could you take this scenario in?
The court dog stood, cowered, and ran out of the gilded doors to the entrance hall. Silvia, the head server, shivered under her robes and tried not to drop her platter. The King stood from his throne and shouted to Arni, the court jester, “What did you say in my presence?”
Silence followed. Citizens of the kingdom stopped mid-bite, scared to move again until the Arni answered. Most of them hadn’t even heard the song he had been singing.
“I was singing ‘Royal Night’, sir,” Arni replied, still smiling as he bowed. “For it is, a royal night!” He turned towards the tables, but nobody met his eyes.
“You know that’s the song they played as they murdered my mother,” the king said through gritted teeth.
“I did not know that, sir, and I apologize.” Arni was shaking.
“Guards, please escort the jester to the gallows.”
The court dog stayed in the barn for the rest of the night, and Silvia tried not to think about Arni’s broken neck as she slept.
The King slammed a hand upon the table and rose to a stand, silver platter and chalice aplenty trembling in its vicious wake. The bard and their jovial orchestra fell to a halt, their shoulders ascending taut. The throng beneath the dais, waltzing merrily about, melted to a sharp silence and froze, their eyes whipping to the high table.
Harrison’s gaze tarried suit. Upon it were three noble guests, bedizened within the luscious cream fabrics and renowned motifs of castle Yrytomn. Perchased within the centre was a meak and mild maiden, her head bowed in shame, a hand massaging the back of her neck. A golden braid of colosal length cascaded a shoulder, forelocks dangling upon the summit of a temple.
Beside the King was the Queen, her crimson eyes lingering upon the King from her silver crusted throne. Mischief pranced within those astute eyes, a lazy grin forged upon her devil red lips. It was all a ploy to her.
“I am the King!” He roared hotly, both untamed chestnut brows forging a scowl. “I am to be venerated!”
The Queen released a titter behind a palm, “Aye, and a weak one, too.”
“Foul beast,” The King hissed and shot her a vicious leer. “Deny it.”
“No,” The Queen vowed. “I shan’t.”
The King growled and bit his nails into the sharp timbre of the table’s edge. “Esta.”
“Esta.” She echoed. “Shall I recall to your beloved people what you had done?”
“Please, cease this…” The maiden whispered and squeezed her eyes shut.
“Enough—“ The King sneered.
The Queen rose and clasped both slender hands in unison, smiling tightly upon the cesspool of gentry. “The King had, without my privy, became a eunuch two suns ago.”
(Practice part two. I did not edit this lol)
My heart is pounding like it is about to explode because of one stupid mistake. 2 hours ago we were at the kings feast and by we I mean me and my sister. We were excited to finally see what it looks like in the place. The king decided to invite everyone in the village to the palace for a feast. As soon as we sat down the king proposed a toast to the kingdom. “May this kingdom prosper and have good fortune to all of its citizens.” The king said majestically. Then we all started eating and this was when my life was about to change. The king announced the he was looking for a bride for his son the price. The price was a scrawny sort boy with thick greasy black hair. Almost the exact opposite of the king. The king started the trials and asked all the men to leave the palace and for all eligible women to stay. The first task was that we had to prepare the prince’s favorite food in under 10 minutes. His favorite food was steak with steamed broccoli of course the only thing I can’t cook. “Ten minutes is up show the prince your dishes” The price started to eliminate women after women. After a few other tasks it was somehow down to me and another girl who looked like the perfect princess. “The last task is to try and impress the price with a unique talent” announced the king. The first woman went up first and sang the most beautiful song I have ever heard. Then it was my turn I was shaking in my boots I didn’t want to marry the price so I did the only thing I could think of insulting the prince. “ you look like somebody from my nightmares! I never want to marry you!” I said my legs feeling like jello. And then the king lost it. “How dare you insult my son your prince!” The king said furiously. Then I started running away from the palace and away from the prince as fast as I could. My heart pounding and pounding my feet sore I fell like I had already run a hundred miles, but then I realized that the king was following me on his horse and in his hand was his sword. The sword shined in the moonlight like nothing I have seen before. I did the only thing I could do run into the forbidden forest. So I did I ran and ran my legs and feet were sore I ran until I was far away from the king and his sword. Then I realized that I am alone in a dead dark forest at night with bears,wolves,foxes, and other animals that could possibly kill me! So I tried to find the safest place close by and try to have a same sleep. Hopefully I will survive until the morning.
Dutchess Zonia did not plan to stay at the Festival of Rings long. The official programming went until 3am and the unofficial programming likely lasted until after breakfast.
But Zonia knew if she stayed too late, she would be required to take an amnesia shot, and she needed to remember everything that would happen at the King’s Feast.
While it’s called the King’s Feast, the custom is for the King to arrive at the end of dinner for a quick toast. Political elites and the people who pay for their lifestyles fill out the King’s dining room, which was filled entirely with the Queen’s artwork.
“This newest piece is especially gauche, no?” Zonia overheard a dark matter energy tycoon whisper to the Governor of the Slion planet’s southern region. The golden statue showed a miner in motion, holding their digging laser above their head as if they were about to strike something hard.
“I’m not an art guy,” the Governor replied, glancing in Zonia’s direction. “But I do appreciate that the Queen takes working people seriously.”
“You’re joking, right? The Queen takes her reputation seriously. A close friend of mine owns an emerald mine here and she lets them do whatever the fuck they want.”
The Governor’s face began to tense and redden, which Zonia found fascinating. Why was a regional Governor from a different planet offended by an allegation of the Queen’s hypocrisy? Based on the Governor’s public persona, he seemed militantly anti-monarchy.
Zonia had a little over three hours to find out.
The King's voice boomed from his place atop the throne. "Bellas and Toms! Welcome to the feast!"
Every cat at the table cheered. Jadis, in the darkest corner of the room, laughed under her hood.
"As you see, we have a special guest today. Jadis, please, sit wherever you'd like." The King smiled.
Jadis pulled her hood down with a bow. "Of course Your Majesty." She began walking toward the empty seat next to the King's.
"As if she'd actually listen to the King." somecat whispered.
Jadis didn't stop walking, but snapped and magic crawled it's way across the floor over to the cat. It swirled up him and caused him to cough.
Jadis laughed as she sat down. The cat scowled in her direction.
The King signaled to the servants. "Enjoy the feast!"
The servants quickly placed all the food o the long table and left.
Jadis grabbed all she could and shrunk it a little.
"So, Jadis, I was wondering. My son, you know him don't you? Birch?" the King whispered.
"Yes Your Majesty. I remember Birch." Jadis took a quick bite of food.
"Good. Um, it's his birthday soon, and I was hoping you could be there?" the King asked, a little too loudly.
"Why are you inviting her?!" A cat stood and slammed his hands against the table.
"Now, Newt, please," the King said. "It's just for this once."
"No!" Newt shouted. "The Prince deserves more then some sorceress visiting his party! Who knows what she could do! Everycat could be dead by the end!"
Jadis slid her chair back and got up. The King suddenly looked frightened. She looked over at Newt.
"Newt, dear, respect the King's decisions. Who knows what might happen if you don't." She made a slitting motion at her throat and sat back down.
Newt made grumbling noises sat back down too.
The King breathed a sigh of relief. "Everything is okay. Return to your food."
Everycat quickly continued their conversations. The King sat down and picked his fork up. "Thank you, Jadis."
"My pleasure, Your Majesty." Jadis whispered.
"Sorry I'm late, Dad." Birch's voice came breathlessly. He stumbled out from the garden exit and slipped into his labeled seat.
"I'm just glad you're here son." The King smiled at hi then turned to Jadis. "Now, as I was saying..."
"I would love to come." Jadis smiled. "Tomorrow correct?"
"Oh...yes yes it is tomorrow! I'll be awaiting your arrival." The King whispered.
"I can't wait to come. Now if you'll excuse me, I believe it's time for me to leave." Jadis slowly stood up and went toward the entrance.
"Dad, I still don't think we can trust her." Birch whispered urgently.
Jadis opened her door and ducked into the house.
Cobweb floated up to her. "There you are! Where were you?"
"The King's feast. I apologize for leaving on such short notice, but it was urgent." Jadis went into her room and hung her cloak up.
"You're back now, that's all that matters. I fixed your staff while you were gone like you asked." Cobweb stated.
"Very good. Thank you Cobweb." Jadis took the staff in her hand and the top glowed purple.
The door to the small house creaked. Jadis and Cobweb looked toward it. Jadis glanced at Cobweb before heading over to inspect it. Cobweb stayed behind and looked around the rest of the house.
Jadis crouched and spotted muddy footprints right inside the door.
Cobweb gave a sudden shriek. Jadis spun around and stood up. Cobweb was gone.
"Oh petty Prince. Hand over Cobweb and nothing will go wrong." Jadis stated.
A crash sounded from downstairs. Jadis spun around and flung herself through the door and the stairs. Birch stood by a shelf with Cobweb in his arm.
"What are you doing?!" Jadis rushed toward him and fixed all the potions.
Birch backed away into the table in the center of the room.
Jadis finished fixing the potions and grabbed the Prince by the shirt. "You little...why are you even here?"
"I-I um...I don't know, I just thought I'd follow you or something..." Birch stammerered.
"And touch my stuff?!" Jadis snapped. "You have no idea what I could do to you do you?"
"I know, I know. I shouldn't have touched anything, but I was curious." Birch whispered.
"Being curious is no excuse. Let Cobweb go." Jadis growled.
"Is that this guy's name? Cobweb?" Birch asked.
Jadis rubbed the sides of her nose with her fingers. "Yes Prince Ignorant. His name is Cobweb. Now would you kindly let him go?"
Birch pulled his hands back when Jadis tried grabbing Cobweb. "Take back that insult first and call me Your Majesty."
"You royals are so stubborn! Ugh! Please just let him go!" Jadis shouted.
"Not before you call me Your Majesty." Birch pointedly turned his head away.
"Okay, Your Majesty...hand him over." Jadis folded her arms.
"Bow." Birch commanded.
Jadis slowly bowed and stood back up. "Now please..."
Birch released Cobweb and he instantly flew behind Jadis.
"How come you're so...calm around my father but not anywhere else?" Birch asked.
"Because he knows something about me no one else does. And that I don't want anyone else to know." Jadis whispered.
"Really?" Birch ran his hand along her books' spines.
"Yes. He-I..." Jadis trailed off. A knock came from her door upstairs. "Oh no."
"What's the 'oh no' about?" Birch asked.
Jadis ran over to an open bit of wall and pressed a brick. A large stone door opened and she shoved him inside.
"Stay in there and don't touch anything!" Jadis shouted, shutting the door.
Birch tried to protest, but she had closed the door already. He turned around and looked around the room. Paintings, books, and potions were everywhere. Birch walked slowly over to one of the paintings and read the golden plaque beneath it.
"Darlia, the dearest mother of mine. Rest in peace..." Birch moved to the next painting and read it too. "The best brother anyone could wish for. I love and miss you still Bee."
Birch stood upright and turned around. Four more paintings like th others sat there, covered in a thin layer of dust. He walked around the table in the middle of the room and took each painting one by one and put them on the table. Birch rubbed the dust off and read each of the plaques. One said grandmother, father, grandfather, and the last one was...
Jadis opened the door. She took quick breaths and laughed. She looked up and almost stumbled. Birch was leaned over the fourth painting.
"No! I told you not to touch anything!" Jadis tore the painting from his grasp and put it back in its place with the rest.
Birch backed away and said nothing.
Jadis sighed and turned to him. "What did you see?"
"I know you shouldn't be here. All sorcerers and sorceresses left years ago after they defeated the evil that entered our lands..." Birch trailed off.
"But one didn't." Jadis continued. "One sorceress didn't leave. She said she wouldn't leave everything she loved behind. Your mother, Prince."
Birch stared at her stunned. "My mother...? But she's..."
"Dead, yes I know. Your father taught me all the sorcery she knew after she died." Jadis whispered.
Birch's face became hard and he went out of the room and up the stairs.
Jadis panicked and rushed after him. "Where are you going now?"
"To confront my father on why he didn't tell me this." Birch growled.
"No, please Birch, he can't know I told you!" Jadis shouted, pulling him back.
"Why not?" Birch wondered.
"Because he-he'll...kill me." Jadis whispered.
"Okay? Why should I care about that? It's not like you're meant to be here. You should've died like all the rest years ago." Birch tried turning around.
"Birch, please. You have to listen to me! You, your father, and I are the only ones who know about how I got this way! If everyone finds out, the evil might come back and destroy the kingdom again. After going for me first. I'm the only one who can destroy it." Jadis pleaded.
Birch stopped tugging and sighed. "Fine. I suppose you're right."
Jadis sighed and smiled. "Thank you, Your Majesty."
Birch stared into Jadis's deep blue eyes. He slowly and cautiously brought his face down. She closed her eyes and brought her face up to meet his. Right before they kissed, Jadis pulled away and went back into her home.
"Bye..." Jadis closed the door slowly.
Jadis rumaged through the potions on the shelf. Cobweb floated beside her on the desk.
"Uh, Jadis?" Cobweb nervously asked.
Jadis backed away from the shelf and turned to Cobweb. "Yes?"
"You seem...worried about something." Cobweb whispered.
Jadis sighed. "To be honest, it's Birch." she turned back to searching through the potions.
"Why would you have to worry about him? He'll be fine, it's not like his dad will kill him or something." Cobweb flew over to the potions with her.
"He almost kissed me, Cobweb! Imagine how his dad will feel then! The King might as well burn this place down or force me to leave." Jadis shouted.
Cobweb placed a ghostly hand on his friend's back. "Nothing like will happen, Jadis. If you love him too, then say something. I promise, you won't regret it."
Jadis backed away from the potions again and went into her room, shutting the door.
"Need time alone?" Cobweb asked from the other side of the door.
"Yes please." Jadis whispered.
"Okay. I'll be out here if you need me." Cobweb replied.
Jadis walked slowly over to the bookshelf by the window and reached up to grab one when crashing noises came from outside. She cautiously peeked out her window. Jadis widened her eyes and ducked down just as a small bomb flew into the room and exploded.
Jadis stumbled up and grabbed her cloak off the bed before heading into the main room of the house quickly. She grabbed the stunned Cobweb and sprinted out the back door.
Unfortunately, two masked cats waited for her.
"Cobweb, snap out of it, please!" Jadis screamed. The cats got closer. "Go and tell someone about this, I beg you!" she tossed Cobweb into the air and he shook his head before flying directly to the castle.
The masked cats reached Jadis and grabbed her. They bound her hands and forced her to watch as they threw more and more explosives into her home.
"No, please, I'll do anything! Stop!" Jadis cried.
"Then don't move." One cat growled.
Jadis swallowed hard and the toms stopped. They dragged her around the side of the house and shoved her into the back of a strange wagon.
Jadis felt more and more tears run down her face. Whoever these strange cats are, they sure don't want her alive.
"Do you want some water?" a kind voice asked.
Jadis slowly turned her head toward it. A light brown male cat sat across from her.
"N-no thanks." Jadis whispered, turning back the other way.
"Oh, okay. You know...theyre not really going to do anything to you. They just run different strange tests then let you go." the tom said.
"How do you know?" Jadis tried to keep from sobbing.
"Because they did it to me once. I still remember it; I was in a room hiding and the cats came in and took me away. I had been so scared then. I didn't know if they would let me come back. I was forced to leave my sister behi-"
Jadis cut him off and quickly turned to him. She wiped a tear away. "You had a sister? What was her...nevermind. It's probably personal."
"What's her name? You were going to ask what her name was? Right?" he asked.
"Yes...yes I was..." Jadis stammered.
"I can barely remember, but I think it started with a J..." he paused.
"Jadis. Her name was Jadis wasn't it?" It felt weird saying her own name.
"Now that you've said it, I remember it was. But how did you...?" he broke off.
Jadis stared deep into his eyes, begging him to remember her.
"You know because...you are Jadis. You are my sister..." he sat stunned.
The wagon hit a bump and knocked Jadis off her seat and her hood off her head. Then the wagon stopped and the back doors open. Birch stands there with a scar running through his right eye.
"Birch! I'm so glad Cobweb got to you! Where is he?" Jadis exclaimed.
Birch didn't say anything. Jadis's heart dropped like a Boulder in her chest.
"Cobweb didn't give me any message..." Birch whispered.
"W-what do you mean? Who told you?" Jadis demanded.
"The King told me. He said Cobweb had come to him and told him to tell me that you were taken." Birch explained.
Jadis stared straight ahead and whimpered. "Cobweb was all I had." Her face hardened. "The King did something, I know it. Bee, go and try to get us back to the village."
Bee nodded and leaped from the back. Jadis grabbed Birch's hand and pulled him into the back with her. He closed the doors.
"Your brother's alive?" Birch whispered. "Didn't you say he died?"
"I thought he died. Apparently, he was stolen and run tests on. Like I was about to be" Jadis explained.
Birch moved to Jadis's side and wrapped an arm around her. "It's okay."
Jadis leaned her head on his shoulder. "Are you sure?"
Once the trio arrived back at the castle, the King's guards awaited them. Two of them scanned the wagon and one other asked Bee questions.
Then the wagon began moving again.
"We're close to the castle." Birch whispered.
Jadis raised her head and peeked out the window. Villagers were shouting and screaming. A few held signs with her face on it.
Jadis shrunk down and cried. "The villagers..."
Birch growled and looked out the window too. Then he looked at Jadis and softly kissed her head. "Everything's going to be alright. Nothing bad is going to happen to you. Ever. And that's a promise."
Jadis smiled slightly. The wagon came to another stop and villagers began banging the back door. Birch put Jadis's hood up and let her hide the rest of her face in his shirt as they stepped out of the back.
"I'm scared." Jadis whispered.
"Don't be." Birch replied.
They walked through the crowd. Bee soon joined them right as they reached the castle.
Guards swung the doors open.
The villagers behind continued shouting and chanting and advancing. One of them managed to grab the back of Jadis's hood and remove it.
Everyone gasped. Jadis widened her eyes. The guards shook themselves out of shock and pulled Jadis away.
"No!" Birch growled. "Let her go!"
Bee tried tearing his way through the growing crowd around his sister, but it was no use.
"I said let her go!" Birch shouted again.
"Please your Majesty, stay back! This monster could do anything!" a guard shouted.
"Monster..." Birch stammered. "She's no monster!"
"Your Majesty, stay back!" the guard shouted.
Jadis took a deep breath. "Go Birch."
"What?" Birch looked worried. "But they'll..."
"Do as he says." Jadis spat.
Birch allowed himself to be pushed away.
"No!" Bee shouted.
Jadis tugged at her chains again, desperately trying to get her hands free.
"It's no use." she whimpered. "The story ends how it began, lost and alone."
She looked around, but all there was to see was plain gray stone walls and the outside prison.
"Let me go!" someone screamed.
Four guards carried a kicking Bee down steps and tossed him in the cell with Jadis.
Jadis hung her head and the chains clinked.
Bee rushed to her side as soon as the guards disappeared. "Did they hurt you?" he demanded.
"No..." Jadis whispered.
Bee lifted her head up. "Don't be like that Jadis. I may not have been there to know you all these years, but when I did, you were the most brave sister I knew. Can you try to be that again? For me?"
Jadis took a deep breath. "You're right, Bee. But not about this."
"Look at me, Jadis. I didn't get myself thrown down here for nothing. I need you to be strong. Birch and Cobweb need you to be strong." Birch snapped.
"All these years I thought you were dead. Then you show up and..." Jadis paused. "I cant be strong anymore. Everycat in town is against me and there's no way to use magic to get myself out of here."
Bee sat straight up. He removed a shiny silver key from his pocket and unlocked her chains.
"What are you doing?" Jadis asked.
"You're coming with me to go to Birch and that's final." he stood and held out his hand.
Jadis sighed. "I don't get why you don't give up on me. I've done nothing to deserve this."
Bee leaned down. "You're my sister, Jadis. There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do to save you no matter where you were. Now, it's time to go get Birch."
Jadis sprinted the rest of the way and burst into the King's throne room.
"Oh, there's my beloved Jadis! You finally made it! A little too late though, unfortunately. Guards!" the King shouted.
Jadis's eyes flashed purple. She waved her hand and sent a purple wave straight into the guards. The King barely looked worried.
He signaled with his hand and more guards came forward. Not to attack her, but instead they were carrying something. They dropped it in between Jadis and the King before tearing off the black covering.
Jadis gasped and backed away. Birch's face was barely recognizable.
"No no no!" She cried. "How could you! Where's Cobweb!"
"Oh, the pesky little ghost? I don't know. He disappeared after I trapped him." the King replied. "And as for Birch, he was never my real son. I just called him that to throw you off."
Jadis's eyes burned the deepest purple. She fell to the ground and stared death at the King. She screamed and sent a larger purple wave of magic toward him.
"Obviously that isn't going to work. After all, I'm the true evil." the King's body began shifting. He laughed as it did. His face became black, then the rest of his body.
Jadis could only watch. The King glanced down at Birch.
"Now, I will destroy everything you once loved." the King growled.
"No!" Jadis dived for Birch and covered him. The darkness shrouded them both.
That's when she realized there was a barrier around them. When the darkness subsided, the barrier became a tiny orb of magic.
The orb flew right into Jadis's chest. She gasped and felt magic wrench itself from her hands and go straight for the King.
"No!" He shouted. "Do something, you idiots!"
The magic had already hit him before the guards could do anything to stop it. It curled around him and the darkness started disappearing.
"Get back! Stop that!" the King tried shooing the purple magic away. "This is all your fault...!" the King disappeared with the rest of the darkness.
The purple magic became an orb again. It shuddered and poofed.
Cobweb blinked his eyes. "I'm alive! I'm alive I'm alive in alive!" he exclaimed.
"Cobweb!" Jadis cried.
He spun around and flew down to her.
"I missed you." Jadis whispered.
"Me too." Cobweb replied. "Now what about your one true love?"
Bee walked up beside Jadis and put a hand on her shoulder. "Do it." he whispered.
Jadis took a deep breath and twirled her finger. A thin cloud of magic appeared. Jadis pointed the magic down at Birch.
It laid itself on him like a blanket. The scars on his face and body closed slowly. He blinked open his eyes and looked up at everyone.
Jadis wiped a small tear away. "Welcome back, dearest Birch."
Birch stood up and pulled Jadis close. "You saved me, Jadis. But why?"
She buried her head in his clothes. "Because I love you."
"And do you, Lady Jadis, take King Birch to be your husband?" the priest asked.
"I do." Jadis said confidently.
"Then by my power, I pronounce you husband and lady. You may now kiss the bride." the priest whispered.
Birch scooped Jadis up and kissed her. Everycat cheered. They backed away a bit and Jadis lifted her hand up, blasting purple explosions like fireworks into the sky.
Cobweb wiped an invisible tear away. Bee gently pat his head. A female cat approached Jadis and Birch.
"Your Majesties?" she whispered.
Birch put Jadis back on her feet and faced her. "Yes, ma'am?"
"I would like to say congratulations. And give you this." the cat handed Jadis a sparkling blue jewel necklace.
Jadis took and turned it over in her hands. "I really appreciate this, thank you."
"My pleasure." the cat winked and disappeared into the crowd.
Jadis leaned her head against Birch's shoulder and smiled out. "Time we head back to the castle?"
"I believe it is. And when we get there, I have a surprise for you." Birch smiled mischievously.
Jadis slipped her hand under Birch's and the duo made their way through the crowd all the way to the castle. Many villagers congratulated them along the way.
Cobweb and Bee greeted them happily. "This way, Majesties." they opened the doors together.
Jadis and Birch continued down the hallway. When they reached the throneroom, he released her hand. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small book. He flipped through the pages and finally stopped at one. He waved his hand around a bit until the tiniest blue spark of magic appeared.
"You've been learning magic?" Jadis wondered.
"I've been trying..." Birch smiled. "And I was wondering if the most beautiful sorceress in all the land...would mind teaching me?"
Jadis laughed. "I wouldn't say the most beautiful, but...yes. Yes I will teach you. But don't think that just because I love you...I won't go hard on you."
"I didn't think for a second." Birch whispered.
The new king of Imperium rests on his thrown, legs sprawled atop the armrest. His crown is at a crooked angle, resting on a nest of pale hair. He looks calm, careless. Everything he ought not to be at this moment.
I sit next to him, my hands mindlessly playing with the cloth on the table. I am suppose to make sure he doesn’t make any ridiculous offers to the lower courts tonight like many of his advisors fear. But the eerie calmness of his face startles me more than any mad expression he’s ever had. Because I know when Valerian is planning something, he’s very, very good at hiding it.
“Your majesty” I whisper in his ear as the lord’s and lady’s of the courts take their seats. He pretends not to hear. “I must advise you to stick to the plan.”
He raises one brow, his eyes still resting on the audience in front of us. “I shall do what I believe is best” he finally says.
His eyes shine with something unkind, and he raises a goblet up in the air. “I am humbled you have all traveled here to address the recent complaints.”
A woman dressed in iron and thorns scoffs drawing attention from the rest of the table. “We were practically dragged here” she spits, her annoyance as evident as mine.
I don’t recognize her. She is either from the lowest of courts, or newly appointed. Judging by what I can see, I would assume the latter.
“Yes” Valerian says, his mouth curling into wicked smile. “It’s not every day I have a third of my courts speaking for my abdication.” He signals for a servant to bring in the plates and leave. “Especially without informing me.”
I smile to, surprised he’s saying what I told him. Sometimes I think he does things, just to see if I will finally break. Occasionally I feel like I just might. But I’ve sacrificed too much to let a foolish king ruin everything.
“So” Valerian says, turning to me. “May we make a toast?”
The dozen members from the lower courts awkwardly exchange glances I don’t miss. Subtle signs of uncertainty.
One by one they lift their hands in the air, and take a sip out of their golden cups.
I tip the cup towards my lips, satisfied there has been no set backs. But the wine never reaches my throat. The cup is empty.
I turn to Valerian, and he takes a deep swallow of…nothing. There’s nothing in his cup.
“What are you doing” I whisper-yell.
Valerian leans towards me, clanking his cup against mine. “Avoiding all possible conflict” he says, using my words.
The first to start coughing is is the lady in iron. Her hand flys to her chest, obviously in pain.
No no no.
“I- can’t- breathe-“ she gasps, her fork clanking loudly on the table.
The lord besides her traces his hand over the rim of his cup, eyes winding at the same realization I came to. The king has poisoned the wine.
It doesn’t take long for all of them to begin gasping and sputtering blood. They cry, an undignified plea.
“This is what happens when you bite the hand that feeds you” Valerian says to the court members as he takes my hand and walks me to the door.
We walk back in silence to the palace quarters, his occasional excuse slipped in on why he believes what was done is necessary. All I can think though, is this boy will grow out of control one day. And I worry for the time not even I can control him.
“Can you hand me that?” Tommy pointed across the table to something beside his brothers arm.
“Heh? What is it that you want?”
“The rolls! God Techno, you’d think you’re blind or something.”
Techno glared at his younger brother and scooted the rolls farther down the table, away from Tommy.
“Hey!” Tommy jumped up and walked down the table to the rolls, but right as he got there Wilbur slid the rolls back down to Techno. “No, Wil why are you siding with him?!” Tommy shouted in outrage, slamming his hands on the table in frustration.
The twins continued to pass the rolls back and forth as Tommy walked up and down the unusually long table.
He stopped. “Fine. I just won’t have one then.” Tommy stomped to his chair and proceeded to pout.
The doors to the dining hall slammed open and the kids’ dad, aka the king, aka Phil, strolled in and sat at the head of the table.
“Sorry I’m late kids,” he tucked his wings behind him and grabbed the rolls to add one to his plate. “I got distracted during my flight.” He looked around the table at his children and chuckled.
His youngest glared at the twins. “They were keeping the rolls away from me.”
“He called me blind! …Which isn’t entirely false I suppose, but my reading glasses are irrelevant here.”
Phil silently handed Tommy a roll and proceeded to eat his dinner.
It was only silent for a moment before Tommy shouted. “Hey! Dad, Techno kicked me!”
“You have no proof child.” Techno said.
“I’m not a-“ Tommy started before getting interrupted by Wilbur.
“What Wil!” Tommy shouted, his annoyance towards his siblings visible.
Wilbur continued his dinner like he had said nothing. Tommy stood up.
“I’m done. Goodnight Dad.” He left the hall.
Techno and Wilbur stared after him before bursting into laughter.
A/N: This didn’t turn out to be during a feast, so I might have to try this again lmao. Also, this was a dsmp, sbi royal au. if you are not in the fandom (which i’m sure you probably aren’t) then you wouldn’t know these characters personalities. I just want to say that this was all light-hearted and Tommy didn’t get too angry, and the twins (Techno and Wilbur) weren’t being mean; it was all in play. Please give me suggestions if you have ideas on how to continue this, as it turned out pretty short… Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed!
“Fe Fi Fo Fum!” Andy smashed the Hulk’s fists on the green fuzzy carpet. He roared but with his inside voice.
“Who is it?” Emma said holding out the Nutcracker’s arm. “I command you to stop.”
“Hulk hungry. I’m invited for tea party!” Andy roared for real. Miss Frances gave him that look. Hulk covered his tiny mouth.
The Nutcracker checked her imaginary list.
Impatiently the Hulk danced on the carpet.
“Right this way Prince Hulk Hungry. The King and Queen are waiting,” Emma said marching the Nutcracker through the play castle door. Hulk bowed to Queen Barbie. Olive bowed the queen’s head. Hulk bowed to King Superman. Noah threw his superhero on Hulk’s back. Knocking over the dining room table, they tussled. The Nutcracker jumped on both of them. Shaking her head, Olive picked up the table and put the chocolate chunk cookies on the napkin. The other three stopped immediately.
King Superman opened his bento box of cucumber rolls. With a cheery roar, the Hulk waved his string cheese. The Nutcracker was retrieving her juice boxes when a shadow fell. Lily loomed.
Blonde corkscrew curls and deep dish dimples Lily bites.
“What are you doing?” Lily’s hard blue eyes made the royal tea freeze.
She grabbed at food. The Nutcracker blocked Lily’s hand. Lily pushed Emma down and grabbed Queen Barbie. Lily popped the doll in her mouth. As a team the royal party tackled the usurper to the carpet. Miss Frances dragged off Lily to the naughty corner. Smiling Lily spat the doll’s head at the playhouse.
Hot tears burned Olive’s eyes. With napkins and hand sanitizer the Hulk cleaned the doll’s head. The Nutcracker presented the finger combed head to the queen’s body. Superman reset the table. Queen Barbie snapped herself together. They toasted juice boxes and commenced the royal feast.
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