Writing Prompt
Write a poem only using plosives.
Plosives are words that start with (or mainly contain) the letters p, d, g, b, k, and t. These words are more forceful when spoken out loud. An example: Purple planes blow through towers.
There are different times for everyone That go with one’s life, one’s growth Going back to where they first walked To where they take their last breath
Different times for different things To happen, to cause, to change To progress, to make, to end That is until a new time starts and it all repeats
Pop Pin prick to cosmos Timeless to tempo Dilation to coalescence Dust to cloud to planet Crash Collisions, collapses, chaos Time Time Time
Pool Carbon to compound Chemistry to biology Bacteria to backbone to breath Bees, Crocodiles, dinosaurs Crash Time Time Time
Growth Divergence by populations Catching prey Dodging trouble Camouflage, tooth, poison, claw Tools, tribes, tech People Time Time Time
Conversion Crops to domestication Blade to bomb to bullet Cutting to burning to bombing Taking territory Grabbing, grasping, grinding Construction, cars, computers Grow, grow, grow, Cough to cancer Pestilence to death Greed to power Crash Crash Crash Time Time Time
She talks to the ground. He digs her a ditch, Pushes her in And backs out quick.
She cries quiet on her own As he laughs out loud, Talking for the world To hear every sound.
Power to the rich, Who doesn’t walk on her ground. Power to the tough, Who never back down.
She lifts up her head, From down in the ground, Power in her fists, She wants to punch it out.
He takes out his fists, As she lifts from the ditch And they rumble and they tumble Until the power has been played In favor of her day.
Dawn’s brittle bubble cracks its crazed crystal chipping into my dream
turning past the coming day deep bone tired I crave to dip, diving, dunking back into the cradle of drowsiness to drift peaceful but
plummeting backwards I wake shattered turning treading in my bed of coarse frit I lurch and re-knit ready to grit through another day of personal kintsugi another day of glittery lacquer barely piecing together the brittle of my addled-pated choices
I plow on broken, damaged, beautifully scarred
A look into one’s mind, is like the first step into a cathedral. insightful to the touch, the details are on on my steeple. wood grain, grip it… It can get a little deeper. My secrets remain contained within a mind frame of flirting with insane. I should just let it out… but then again to what avail. If this is the end, I know I failed. The colors fade, and the ships have sailed. No destination in mind, just to get deeper in time, and see all the divine lines, deeply rooted in the sand slowly twisting at the grains of how I stand. It can get a little deeper. So I’ll start smaller within, the lines of stained glass, the loving laughs, where mistakes have roamed past. Here you’ll find the comforts of an insane mind, the finer things, from the tap of grapevine. A bittersweet fruit, unobtained and aloof,unacquainted pursuit, of the truth only bequeathed to you. It can get a little deeper. How facetious, the alluring looks upon their faces showing traces of time past. Fighting dearly to last. It is here where we stand, the focal point of the lost, and willing, chilling at the essence, The Satisfaction of stars aligned, kneeling at the alter for a time, but stops so abruptly. it’s leaves you wistfully wondering, “will it ever be the same?” Genuinely noting it’s good to remember, to see what your missing, no matter how distant, it’s forever fleeting like an ellipses… fading
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