Writing Prompt
Submitted by Queen of fantasy
Write a story about a kitten that gets lost in a fantasy world.
What features of this world can you highlight through the animal's journey?
While the city slept and the good citizens of Metropolis City dreamt of a brighter tomorrow, evil lurked just beneath the surface. Petty thugs terrorized the meek as criminal kingpins kept their grubby boots on the throats of honest businessmen. Fortunately Metropolis City had a secret avenger to go where the police couldn’t go: Captain Cat!
During the day mild-mannered veterinarian Dr. Harry Katz toiled tirelessly at the Cat’s Pajamas Cat Rescue. The scion of a wealthy pet food dynasty Katz was known as a milquetoast wallflower among his high society brethren. Yet when the sun surrendered to the stars The Cat prowled.
“Jimmy hold that torch straight I almost got this baby cracked.”
Wet Willie licked his fingertips and returned to finessing the jewelry shop’s safe. Shaking Jamie Jimmy Legs Pullman lifted the flashlight.
“It’s taking too long Wet. We got plenty from the display cases. Let’s blow this popsicle stand before something goes wrong. I got a bad feeling here. “
Tick, tick. The safecracker turned his perpetually damp fingers clockwise on the old fashioned dial. The light bounced in his eyes. Wet Willie cursed.
“It’s just that a couple of the guys were talking see. Remember that Rodeo Clown heist that went sideways. And no one has even seen Louie Fridge and Icemaker Gang. The guys are saying something is out there, Wet. Something hunts in the night.”
“You’re gonna be hunting for your teeth if you don’t hold that light still. There are uncut rocks in this baby and you are not going to screw this up.”
Thump, thump. From a dark corner in the back room a big ball of pink yarn rolled into the light. Jimmy Legs twirled. In a furry ginger striped cat suit Captain Cat was perched on atop a file cabinet. Jimmy Legs yelped.
“I was truly lost after my home was destroyed by my family’s business rivals. Then when my parents were killed in that alley by a masked mugger before my eyes I wandered aimlessly. And when my Uncle Felix was shot by that thief I’d let go I just—“
“Oh for chrissakes,” Wet Willie said and fired at the hero. “Origin stories, I hate origin stories.”
Skippety pat! In a blur of orange fur our hero sailed across the room in a single bound. Captain Cat pounded Wet Willie’s head against the metal door. With a bloodcurdling yowl, he landed on all fours. Jimmy Legs fainted. Captain Cat poked Jimmy before becoming bored.
In the twitch of a cat’s tail the criminals were trussed up and dangling from a signpost in front of the jewelry shop. Captain Cat gave the pair a playful bat. After a stretch and a mighty yawn, our hero strolled away into the morning fog on little cat feet.
Set on foot identifiying on the darkened path. The wisps that are haunting will escape. She will save them, she's their hero. Its her dream to walk back and from. She had to go... Drifting into seeing or hearing of her again. Well lit path and her only life brings them back to life. They lose hope further inside the mysterious woods. What's there are lives have been seen a spirit lasting impressions. They kept talk with her they seen her and know her. She will be back this time she was seen and slaughtered to death. Her very own sight will give them their life back in a frame set by herself. They all needed to know what she of all seen its her new home; she went home. Her happy place is her own world, something that can only understand her and only her. They never met inside taking her life and making this world her way to understand, it was not her being imposed or invited. Of all that needed to rest set aside her own path and tired paws; nothing to rest a shoulder. Lifeless to her encounter. Of all can see the hearing of the winded forest of death and sports and know it like she does. the memory of her last visions ended giving her own life to plead to know what was always there going on in unknown communications. Unknown and unfamiliar awareness to what was strange making struggle to not be able to identify with the only one can be needed. Reached at out of the woods caught into a fragile state. The last spirit realm deserted without her died and screamed without her there keeping them safe. She vaguely remembers victims by name and scratched by ill fated gore. One by one put to their own death. Nothing ever rested, Nothing ever escaped. She seen the most explanation of death to their pure life and things to lose. All life treasured and used and lived growth was a path into her world. Leave it all- it was all a trap to keep them from the start. Making them wail and lose their senses in darkness. The darkened path set a frost that burned to the touch. All pry to set themself free what attempt made them slip into their life burning visible to her screaming and wailing vanish into a mist. Now they all are wandering mists. Any life they were to her was not clarifying near her own fatal captive death. The unfriendly approach made by what grabbed her betrayed her (a cat)...
The wind blew softly. A lost cat was wandering the land. She did not know how she get there, nor did she know why. Snow accumulated under her, her paws becoming more frozen with each passing second. Her fur could simply not combat this intense cold. The wind rustled the last bit of leaves, but the wind was even more cold than the temperature. Small houses were arranged onto a single street, where everything was crowded together. The houses were very intricate. Their roofs were long, jagged peaks along like mountains. Snow was nestled on top of each house, and all the trees were letting go of their leaves. Snow infiltrated the lost cats fur, and she wondered if her owners were already putting up Missing Pet posters. There was a immense mountain just ahead, past the store. It’s snowy peak curved and sharp. Trees were alongside of the mountain, but it was simply too steep for them to grow on the edge of it. There was no one roaming the streets—something the lost cat was not familiar with. Perhaps they had all disappeared. Ice was forming on the ground, and the lost cat sprawled out its paws, sliding around. The lost cat jumped in the air, only to land on its feet and slide along the ground even further. Snow almost covered her line of sight completely, and she could make out little shadows within the snow. She heard music playing, soft, peaceful music—but it was like nothing she had ever heard before. There was a small building on the far right corner, almost covered in snow. The music only grew louder. Now, the lost cat began to wonder if she would ever find her way home. Entering the building, the lost cats eyes widened. It was people, but they looked strange. The people themselves were covered in ice. Their bodies moved so gracefully with the music, a women twisting around as another boy caught her. The ground of the building was also ice. Some ice pieces were jagged and stuck up from the ground, creating an almost spike-like effect. The cat slid on the ground quickly. The lost cat quickly ducked as she slid under someone, just narrowly missing the body of the person. How could these people move if they were made of ice. They seemed to be happy being so cold, but the lost cat however, was miserable. She couldn’t recall how she had gotten there, but the memory popped into her head. The lost cat had just escaped her home. She was in search of a new life. It was warm outside, and the sun was shining. The lost cat ran down the road, the heat scorching her paws. Sweat dripped from her face, but the lost cat kept going. The lost cat suddenly stopped. A huge pothole was in the road. It looked like a gigantic hole that never ended—it was something the lost cat had never seen before. The lost cat stuck her paws out to feel if it was just water. She didn’t touch anything. She touched air. Then, a wind gust blew. Her body that was already hanging off into the hole fell down. The lost cat dropped down for what felt like ages, with nothing but darkness. The lost cat looked up at where she had fallen in, but she couldn’t see any light. The air grew colder, and suddenly, snow began dropping down into her fur. The lost cat fell into a cold, powdery hill—or maybe it wasn’t a hill. The lost cat jumped out of the pile of snow, now covered in the cold substance. The lost cat was now seemingly in a completely different world. The lost cat snapped back to reality, finding herself sliding uncontrollably toward an ice wall. She scurried to a stop, quickly maneuvering her paws in a different direction, sending her flying out the door and back out into the new world. It was then that the cat realized that this world was an exact opposite of hers. It was cold here, it was icy, it was snowing. The lost cat began to question if she really wanted to stay. The sky was dark, and she could make out a tiny white dot—the pothole she had entered from, only there was nothing she could do to get back up. Then, the lost cat looked toward the mountain. The mountain—that was it. She needed to climb the mountain! The lost cat began to sprint along the icy ground, quickly sliding and slipping on it. The lost cat was determined to get back to her world. Making her way up the mountain, the cat dodged the trees that seemed to sprout from everywhere. Small trunks rose up into tall, pine trees. But even the pine trees were almost out of pines. The stench of pine filled the air. The lost cat maneuvered up the mountain, almost loosing balance and sliding back down. The cat suddenly started to fall backward. She quickly dug her paws into the ice and began climbing her way up the mountain instead. She had almost reached the very snowy peak. Snow blinded her sight, but she kept trudging along, moving one claw st a time. Then, she touched something cold. It was snow. The lost cat stood on the top of the motivation, her claws dug into the ice for support. And with a powerful jump, with the pothole just ahead, she managed to get back up to her world. Her paws immediately warmed. She looked out into the sunny sky, almost glad she had escaped the freezing cold land. The lost cat—not lost anymore, stumbled upon her owners. With open arms, they hugged her, and the cat was filled with joy. She was truly home.
My gaze flicks back and forth as I peak out of the shore. Where is Jane's apothecary? It should be right here. Hissing, I pull my heavy head back into the sewers to re-evaluate.
Right, straight for 7 leaps, left, right, straight for 3 leaps. And it brings me to just under the shore. I recount the steps I took. They're correct, so why don't I know where I am? A frustrated hiss escapes me. I can't just idle here, my coat is soaked and heavy from the relentless drips above.
Hells, I'll have to go above and figure it out.
My timing has to be just right, or I'll end up under a wheel. Peaking out, I take note of my surroundings. 'NOW!'' my inner guiding voice roars at me. I leap and scurry to the closest laneway.
I recognize none of the shopfronts. I must make haste towards the River, if I make it there then I'll find my way home. I sniff the air for remnants of salt. It's faint but it's there, I mustn't be too far.
'Aye! Get gone ya dirty rodent!' The abrupt shout startles me and I scurry behind a crate. Through the slats, I realise whoever it is, has some audacity to call another being dirty. A deep rust of red smears his apron and dried blood coats his hands. He's a burly bloke and round enough for it to surely cause him some concern. I shake out my body, hoping some of the sewer spray reaches him. At my movement, he looks down at me once more, his features twisted in disdain. I should of realized he'd hear me hissing at him with pointed ears like that. I best be off.
I follow the scent of salt, winding through legs and merchant stalls. Although eager to get to my laneway, my intrigue gets the best of me. Perched under a stall that smells of frankincense and reminds me of Jane's shop, I look up at the stalls occupant.
'Kitty, kitty, kitty.' Gods, a troll merchant reaches towards me. My back arches by default, hoping the troll will be discouraged. 'Nervous kitty! Fret none. I like Kitty's.' I should run but I don't. At closer inspection the troll has kind eyes. A quick pat on the head and the troll straightens again, distracted by people moseying by her stall. 'Enchanted crystals. Hand dug, my burrow.' the troll shouts over and over again while nodding at her supply. No one listens. 'Aye Kitty. Crystals good. People stupid.' she looks between me and her stall over and over again. I can't help but think this troll has a twitch. And I also can't help myself by offering some comfort. I lean in close to the trolls legs, rubbing and purring until the troll cracks a smile 'nice kitty' the troll laughs heartedly and pats my head.
Prince Morris sprinted through the leaves, looking up as they fell. The winter was a harsh one, and the turrets of the castle in the distance bore piles of thick snow. That was where he was going, to see his father after a day of hunting in the nearby meadows. His armor clanged against the ground as his paws slammed the ground; the smith had made it a bit too large. His father said he would grow into it; he was still waiting. He meowed as he passed the flour mill, wishing he could stop in for a pastry. Monice would be kneading dough as he passed. He needed to get back to his father, though: his Milk Ceremony was about to begin. Hopefully they’d have good pastries there, too. He could stop by Monice’s after if he was still hungry.
Once upon a time there was a nice little kitty who was homeless sitting on the street hungry.this little kitty always wanted to go to fantasy land because she thought it was so dreamy. So one day she went to sleep hoping one day she would go to the place that she calls dreamy fantasy land…..and there it was. She had the best dream of her life she went through rainbows,ate clouds,ate an whole bunch of candy,and play candy land with imaginary friends.she loves to share this story and how she loved this dream and wished it was real. But this is the end of the story. The end
To say that cats have 9 lives is somewhat of a misconception. It’s far more accurate to say that cats live 9 lives, with all of the nonsense they get up to.
Take Purrsephone, for example. What was supposed to be a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood turned into the adventure of a lifetime (well, one of hers, anyway). You see, Purrsephone got curious. There seemed to be a new hole in one of the trees that was exactly her size, so she went to investigate.
Except when she went through the hole and came out on the other side, she wasn't in her neighborhood. No, not even close.
She appeared in a strange land with flying horses with people riding on their backs and shimmering trees with fairies inhabiting them. There were talking owls and demonstrations of magic as far as the eye could see. It was magical, a far cry from the ordinary world she knew.
To put it simply, Purrsephone was intrigued, so off she went on her newest adventure.
As the little black bundle of cuteness drifted off to sleep he found himself awake in a white plane of existence.
His tongue extends tasting the air for any sign of milk, but it’s empty.
He looks around curiously before walking straight ahead and through the white mist.
He steps out into a clearing surrounded by trees and bops the floor gently with his paw, testing the ground.
His head snaps to the side as he senses something rustling in the long grass.
He begins to slowly make his way towards it before crouching down and eyeing what he now knows to be a mouse nibbling away at some grass.
He takes his chance and pounces at it, but misses.
He gives chace to the creature through the woods.
Ignoring the strange flowers, the strange smells, the unfamiliar surroundings.
Only caring about the mouse.
He chases it up to a river where it scurries off leaving him alone and confused.
He sees the water and cautiously makes his way towards it before poking his head in to lap some of the refreshing liquid up before he spots a fish.
Without thinking he swipes his claw at it, but loses his balance and falls in.
The water becomes white as he swims his way out and up into his body.
His eyes slowly open to find he’s been moved onto the humans bed.
“There’s my lazy boy” they say as the stroke him on the head.
The cat is unable to speak so instead rolls his eyes and purrs.
If there’s one thing this cat isn’t, it’s lazy.
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