Writing Prompt


Write a story or poem from the voice of someone who is jealous.


Judges Of Man: Watch And Watch And Watch


Oliver is out of his room for once. I don’t know how to deal with this.

He’s sitting in my lap, a movie playing in front of us as we eat out of a shared bowl of popcorn. This whole setting feels relatively normal. I know it won’t last, though, nothing’s normal about living with your fiancé in a cabin deep in the woods, leaving that same house only twice every month for grocery shopping, and your fiancé, who is meant to give you love and affection, be hooked on ever single serial killer case he can get his hacking fingers on.

No. Nothing normal at all. Still, I stroke his face softly against my chest, and watch as his bagged eyes grow heavy while his curls rest across his forehead.

“Oliver,” I kiss his head slowly, softly, scared to break this rare moment, “What’s all this loving for, sweetheart?”

Oliver sighs, nestling his face closer to my heart. “The Judges of Man are on the run.”

My jaw tightens. Of course it’s about them.

“Oh. So you’re just so bored. Are you now?” My voice is flat as I straighten, Oliver sliding out of my grasp.

Oliver doesn’t notice. He continues to talk, a hand going into the popcorn bowl. “Yes. Of course I am.“

“Then why don’t you go find them!” I spit out, pushing him off of me and watching him stumble on the floor. “Since you put your attention on them so much instead of me—your fiancé, may I remind you—why don’t you just go and join them because you watch them so much!”

My chest hurts, burns, but it has never felt lighter. How long have I wanted to say that? How long have I wanted to call Oliver out on his crazy behavior and obsessions with these absolute psychopaths?

He watches me from the floor as I leave the room, running a hand through my hair. “I’m leaving, okay. We were supposed to love each other, Oliver. We were supposed to get married months ago. I wanted us to. But you, you just—“ I scream, unable to form words when I tear open our room door and lift my suitcase from beneath my bed.

“Fuck you, Oliver! Fuck you!” I open our shared wooden drawers and pick up all the clothes I can. I don’t need them all, I just need to leave this place. “What was the point with toying with me if you never fucking cared?!” I go in our bathroom and take my self-care stuff, then grab some money and put it in my back pocket. Oliver hasn’t responded; I don’t even hear a footstep.

That’s why I’m surprised when I feel a cold, wet cloth on my face. I struggle, thrashing against his unbelievably strong hold. Tears rise in my eyes and my heart is pumping like a rabbit’s. A metallic smell invades my nose, curls in my lungs, and pulls my life from me. My eyes start to droop. My limbs start to numb. All the while I hear Oliver in my ear.

“Calm down, Gabby, calm down. I don’t know why you accuse me of these things. I would never go to find them. I only watch, you know that.” His breath is soft against the shell of my ear as he slowly lowers my crumbling body to the wooden floor. My eyes close on their own; I can’t stop breathing in the drug whisking me away. “Go to sleep. If you want my time, you only had to ask. You can sit with me as I watch, if you’d like. We can watch together; we can have fun together; we can get married. Anything you’d like. Just stay with me. I love you so much, Gabriel. You can’t leave me.”

His words are registered by my brain, even as it’s putting me to rest, handing me off to unconsciousness. Sadly, I know he isn’t lying.

And that’s what scares me.

Judges Of Man: A Spectator

The flickering fluorescence light of the monitors are the only source of light in this shut off room. A notebook full of scribbled words of ink lies to the side, reachable but not in the way. His thin fingers clicking away on the pale keys of his keyboard. His eyes hooded, eyebags deep.

“Honey,” I purr, “Have you found out all that you’ve needed to know? You’re investment in these other men are making me jealous.” I nip his earlobe softly, a warm feeling tickling my stomach when he shivers.

“Almost.” That is all he utters. His voice deep, like gravel. I look at the hood upon him, grimacing at the unwashed smell, then turn away and move towards the door.

“It’s not like we can do anything about it, dear.” I pat my hands across my thighs, wishing for once Oliver could see the beauty in front of him: me. But he’s always been invested in stupid shit like these “Judges of Man”. Why does he have to love serial killers; why can’t he love me like he loves his studies.

“I’m not going to do anything about it.” Oliver doesn’t take his eyes off the screen, a police report—that he hacked out of the system—open in front of him. “I will watch.”

I roll my eyes and huff, leaving the room in a furious silence. I shut the door behind me, not even realizing when I start to shake. My eyes start to warm and my throat stuffs up.

How did I get myself like this? How did I?



_I just want someone to help me make these new characters fleshed out. I can do it by myself but I really like talking and brainstorming with other people for a more diverse you’know. _

Anyways, thanks for reading and have a great day!)

Moon God (Intro)

Solar regarded himself as the greatest, most powerful star in the universe. The god thought this for the longest time, until the Overlord made more, and more, and more stars.

Solar saw this and began comparing himself to them. The stars, oblivious to this, continued on in their shine, finding more and more ways to combust and emit light and heat for the lesser creations of the Overlord. It made Solar furious! How dare the Overlord outshine him this way.

He decided to go the OverPlane to speak about this. Solar, after gaining court with the Overlord and his disciples, said, rather impolitely, “Oh Highest, why must you anger me in such ways? Creation more powerful stars when I am the truest and the first of all!”

The Overlord gave his child a smile, his other features unknown and hidden beneath his glory. “You wish to be powerful once again?”

“I am already so! I just wish that the rest will stay weak.” Solar lifted his fiery gaze to stare the Overlord in his face. “Give me something that will praise me for my worth, for the other stars would laugh at me than to worship.”

“So be it,” the Overlord said, rising to go to his Creation Landing, “Now go back to your place and it shall be done.”

Solar gave him a nod, dashing back through the cosmos to where he was placed above the Earth. Across from him, a sliver light started to form. It was small at first, but expanded, swirling over itself to make a circular shape. The shape grew, the bright light getting brighter than any other star that Solar had ever seen.

He gritted his teeth, thinking the Overlord had tricked him, but then the ball popped and was replaced with a dull figure. The figure was male in shape, his eyes closed, his skin ashen—a grayish white.

“Now,” Solar heard the Overlord’s words ring inside of his head, in the whole atmosphere, “give him your light.”

So Solar shined. The bright light branched off of him, heading straight towards the soul creature. When it hit him, he seemed to absorb it, growing more brighter—not as bright as Solar—and his skin shone.

Solar grinned. A creature that could only live through his power. This was a gift for for him. “Thank you, High One.”

But the Overlord was gone. Back to resting before he had to create and change more things in that universe.

The creature was looking at Solar curiously. He was stretching out his arms, admiring the way the light bent and glittered.

“We have to give you a name, don’t we?”The creature blinked, his pale eyes wide and open. Solar stroked his chin. “What should we name you? What should we— Oh!”

He pointed at the creature, who’s head snapped up in surprise, and said, voice booming, “You shall be named Tsuki, now now before me.”

Tsuki blinked, then squinted his eyes. “Bow?” He said slowly. His voice made Solar step down a bit. It sounded so soft, innocent almost.

“You know what, nevermind. You will refer to me as Master, do you understand?”

Tsuki nodded. “Yes, Master.”

Solar grinned, his light shining brighter. “Good, now first lesson of obeying me is…..”

From his resting place, the Overlord smiled, then he turned to his other creations to find ways to make them better and whole.

(I just finished the Taming the Tiger manwha and I’m on the side stories. Omg 😭 Brothers without a tomorrow hit it where it hurts. My second favorite manwha I’ve ever read.

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day! Imma make Part One rn.)