Writing Prompt
The spell broke, and just like that, she could see everything with fresh eyes...
Use this sentence as the opening or closing line of a story.
She no longer looked at him that way, she realized.
The woman sitting at the table next to them was in love. So in love that one glance at her face was enough to make Jocelyn's heart lurch to her throat and her stomach clench uncomfortably. Still, she risked another look, memorizing the way her brown eyes lit up as she gazed longingly at her lover.
Once upon a time, Jocelyn looked at him that way, too. And once upon a time, so did he. But as she returned her gaze to the man sitting in front of her—who was so blissfully unaware of her melancholy eyes—she no longer felt upset. She no longer felt anything.
He was still talking and Jocelyn nodded absentmindedly. The words flowing from his mouth, once tender and kind, now sounded condescending and mean. She focused on him again and noted the boredom on his face—his traitorous, lingering gaze. The spell broke, and just like that, she could see everything with fresh eyes.
She had been on TikTok for 4 hours, scrolling through her phone on her bed laying down. Lifeless I’d say, broken to be precise, vulnerable per say, she was wasted but was blinded by the toxic chemistry she thought was a happy-ever-after. Love she thought it was, still on her bed thinking he had personal issues he’s going through, tough times she could never imagine, then she saw a video of him with his significant other and immediately it hit her, the spell broke, and just like that she could see everything with fresh eyes…
The spell broke, and just like that, she could see everything with fresh eyes. She could see all the damage she'd done.tears flowed down her cheeks, staining her fair skin a deep crimson color. She knew she couldn't reverse it all easily.it would take time. She wishes she could go back and erase it all, but it wasn't possible. There fingers reached for the sun as if it would have all the answers that she didn't know.
The spell broke, and just like that, she could see everything with fresh eyes. No longer was she drowning in the storm of emotions that stemmed from a passionless romance, but soaking in the peaceful warmth of the sun.
She’d come to the hard truth that she could never love him the way she used to while staring at the rain from their shared apartments window.
Her realization was as freeing as it was saddening- the water is still a bit chilling, after all. She knows now it’s for the best to move on- really, but loosing a bond you’ve spent countless weeks trying to mend will do that to a person.
Now, the only thing stopping her is nerves. She’s positive her soon-to-be-ex will take it well (a comforting thing), however, getting used to the hollow feeling in her heart will take some getting used to.
As she got up and observed her room like it was the very first time. She noticed the beauty of it all. Her wardrobe with the doors so high and decorated with pink and white silk woven all the way to the top. She then saw her desk that doubles as a vanity. Young Corrine went to it and tried to remember all her cosmogolic routines. As she grabbed her favorite brush to apply, she noticed in her mirror her face was already beautifully painted and her beauty could not be matched. What is going on here? She asked herself when suddenly she was pulled away by an unknown source. It was strong and she could move except to breathe and even then it was labored. Where she was taken she did not know…
The spell broke, and just like that, she could see everything with fresh eyes. Peering down at her hands holding a bouquet of flowers, calla lilies and baby’s breath, jewels glistening upon her lace laden chest and her veil creating a soft white haze over the man in front of her. How wrong she’d been about him. How utterly absurd it felt to be stood before him like this, hundreds of eyes staring, waiting for her response. Finally the gut wrenching feeling in her stomach had become a siren loud enough not to ignore. Suddenly all those instances of swallowing down lies and smiling gratefully had come back up again, sitting on her tongue ready to be hurled at the one who would betray her. This was what he wanted, to capture her in a net made of silk, just like the spider he was. Heart hot and heavy, eyes wide and hands tight, making mincemeat of those flowers, she steps back, screaming, lungs full of noise and rage “No!” Throwing the strangled and flaking flowers to the ground at his feet, petals pushing up the dust. He looks up at her, anger boiling in his blood, the realisation that a love spell inflicted by the insincere of heart can never last. The witch had cheated him and protected the one she thought needed help the most. His foreskin, required for such a potion and spell casting as this, would never grow back, unlike the brides self respect.
The spell broke, and just like that, she could see everything with fresh eyes… The love she saw was nothing but lies. The hugs turned into punches. The conversations turned into arguments. The spell broke. Curses disguised nicknames. Yells disguised as singing. Controlling disguised as caring. The spell broke. All the gifts were cover ups. All the smiles covered up the turmoil. All the makeup covered up the bruises. The spell broke. And now she saw everything for what it was. It wasn’t love but hatred. It wasn’t living but surviving. The love was never there. She had been seeing the world through rose tinted glasses. Now she could see clearly. The spell broke, and just like that, she could see everything with fresh eyes… She could see all the pain that hid behind her eyes. The spell broke, and so did she. So she broke free.
I stood in the middle of the woods, holding a knife to my hand. Now, you may be wondering why I would be doing this. well I heard a tale saying that if you had a drop of your own blood, breath of a dragon, and glistening fairy’s saliva, if you followed each instruction exactly, a vampire would be summoned for approximately ten minutes and will turn you into one of them. Now, this could only be completed at the stroke of midnight on a full blood moon. I watched my clock at the seconds ticked on… 5… 4… 3… I got the blood ready. 2… and, finally… 1. I let my blood drop into the bowl of saliva and breath, using my arm to cover my eyes as a gust of wind appeared and out came who I can only guess is a vampire. “Tell me, why do you wish to become one of my kind? Why can’t mortals just treasure the life they have instead of always wanting more?” The vampire asked. “I- I am unhappy with my life. My parents were in a fatal accident years ago, my entire family blames me for it and now my best friend can’t even look at me. I don’t even know why.” I whispered, tears forming in my eyes. The vampire nodded, satisfied with my answer. He gently cupped my chin with his hand, angling my head up so he had clear view of my neck. He slowly brought his teeth to my throat, biting it, finally changing me. When he pulled back the spell broke, and just like that, I could see everything with fresh eyes.
The spell broke, and just like that, she could see everything with fresh eyes. She could see her hands, with blood dripping down. She could feel the wind blowing against her ripped t-shirt. And she had never been happier in her life. No longer was she bound by the twisted spell which clouded her vision. She was free. Hazel turned to her left and saw Jack in the corner, coughing and spitting up blood over his jacket. It seems he had been fighting a Gorge right until she broke the magic and turned them to dust. As soon as he met her eyes it was like the world around them crumbled to nothing more than that of the disintegrating monsters. He tilted his head at her, questioning if she was free of the curse. She nodded through tear stained eyes. His face twisted into a bright smile as he raced towards her, arms open for an embrace. She practically jumped into them and sobbed at the feel of his touch. No longer was she numb to the feeling. She felt everything. She felt his breath against the back of her neck. The heat radiating through his blood stained shirt. She felt his strong arms as they held her tightly, a silent promise never to let her go. She felt his chest heave up and down through muffled sobs. After moments had passed, he slowly pulled her away just enough to see her eyes. His hands still shaky from adrenaline as he pushed her hair behind her ear to look at her, his dimples shining. “You did it Haze.” He pulled her into his chest again as she whispered against his ear, “I can feel you Grey. I can feel you, I never want this feeling to go away again.” “I know.” “Promise me? Promise me you won’t leave me.” “I promise. There is nothing left in this forsaken world that could pull me apart from you. I told you I would make sure we live long enough so you could see the stars… well, look up.” Hazel looked up and gasped at the infinite stars, dancing through the night sky. “Jack it’s… it’s more than I ever could have imagined.” She gasped through wide eyes. “And tomorrow, we can see them again, and again, and again for eternity. Hazel even when we die we can watch them through heavens eyes.” “Tomorrow. I like the sound of that.” “Tomorrow.” “Promise, Jack?” “I promise Hazel.”
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