Writing Prompt
Write a story involving a key scene that shapes your protagonist (which you will NOT include in the book).
Consider what has influenced your character's motives, and how their backstory has lead them to the beginning of your novel.
Father, I...
Justin paced the kitchen. His father should be home by now. It was getting dark.
"Hey, Justin, buddy!"
Justin perked up at the familiar voice. Finally!
"Hi dad! You're finally home!" Justin squeaked.
"Yes, buddy, I am. But only for an hour or two, alright? I assume you've already made yourself dinner? What do ya want to do tonight?" He ruffles Justin's hair playfully.
"I have made dinner! Bro...
The Movie Girl
The first time he saw her she was trying to push into buy a ticket for the state film on opening night. He had taken the day off work and had his tickets early. Now he was sitting along the low wall across the street, watching the throng. She had ridden up in a rush, stopping short of the line. Everything about her was short: her hair tucked behind her ears. You could see her neck where a mole was...
Key scene
As the story of Aurora in "The Mirror Maiden" unfolds, there is a key scene that shapes the protagonist into the powerful figure she becomes. It is a moment of transformation, one that challenges her in ways she never thought possible.
The scene begins with Aurora encountering a stranger, a woman unlike any she has ever met before. The woman is shrouded, her face obscured by a veil that seems to ...
Brady’s Life
Brady remembered the moment as if it were yesterday. He was only three years old, but his prodigious mind and amazing memory had etched that conversation into his brain; even now, years later, it hurt.
“Look, Nan, I get it but we’re stuck with him. I tried to tell you deciding to keep him was a bad idea.” Bradford Junior, father of the small boy called Brady, was knocking back his sixth, maybe s...
New Sheriff In Town: Tied Up With Ribbon
My Dearest,
NewEarth is the color of despair. I remember your dad’s postcards of the space station resorts and I thought everything would be bright cartoon. The walls are dingy, the floors dark with grease and neglect. I’m surrounded by other soldiers and I’m completely alone. I’m light years from Mars. But your arms are my home. I guess I don’t know what to write. I’ve never written a letter be...