Broke Engineer

“Ok next time i'm paying for drinks, you sneaky gentlemen” Matt punches me on the shoulder. 

Grinning back at him. “Don't get used to it princess, it was only a nice bonus. I’m back to ramen in a few weeks.” waving goodbye as i start the half mile walk back to my apartment. Whoever thought engineers were on par with lawyers and doctors can kick rocks for telling me that as a kid. If that were the case I'd be living right above the bars in a slick new apartment, but I instead live in a studio the size of most living rooms.

Taking a deep breath trying to relax, steam is visible. That time of the year again, I hope I can snag a nice jacket for the fall. Maybe look the part of a young professional, twirling on the side walk with a jacket flick. Love it when the cool guy does that in a movie as he walks out of the tailor in a perfectly fitted suit with cufflinks. How an archaic method of holding your shirt together became high end is beyond me.

As much as this area is starting to gentrify it's not lost on me how quickly the streets change within a few blocks. The updates have unfortunately not hit my area but maybe I made a smart investment. Tucking my hand deep in my pockets I can't help but keep my head on a swivel. Maybe I should have taken a car, a sudden chill  hits me as my mind starts to wander. Do I look like an easy target? Quickening my pace, it's only a few more blocks. I can see the bus stop that's right around the corner. Inhale, relax, you do this all the time without any issues.

The night life buzzes in my ears, while diesel exhaust assaults my nose as the bus pulls up to the stop. Ducking my head to weasel around the stop. I see a sorry looking figure stumble off the bus. The poor man has the classic marks of the homeless, jacket looks so stiff that it might start cracking. You would think a beard would provide some solace with the impending weather but his is patchy and matted, nearly creating a donut around one ear. His eyes almost seem to glow with a dull yellow light, maybe from poor nutrition. Yet there is anger there.

“Fuck you fatass, i paid just like the rest of these bums” spittle flying from his mouth as he walks backwards off the bus. Tension builds in my neck as chills break across my back, striding it out as much as I can. If i can just make the corner, maybe he won't notice me. My mind races at the possibilities. What if he has a knife or a syringe? 

“Oh don't worry pretty boy, I know you don't have shit if you walking around here” he cackles as I turn the corner. I break into a run without thinking. Fear pumping me even though I heard what he said. I eat up the remaining block, jacket billowing behind me. I launch  up the steps, fumbling with my keys in panic till a sharp pain racks my face. I’m on my butt. How the hell did that old man beat me to my own place. Blood pours down my hands. Tears blind me. 

“Oh my God im so sorry” a panicked voice breaks through my pain and anxiety induced fog. Laying my head on the concrete, sighing at my stupidity. I must have ran headlong into an opening door.

“No dont worry im just an idiot” i can't help but laugh a little.

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