
Blue, when I see the color blue

I see my name, I see my tears.

I see the sorrow and the fog,

It’s strong and doesn’t let me look through.

I forgot.

A long time ago.

What was it again, this name?

This name I choose,

I believe to help me see who I am.

But now, I’m lost.

Lost in this endless fog.

In this labyrinth of despair,

To find myself.

But who am I?

What is this personality I try to find ?

Where have I locked it away,

Who’s face is this,

This face I’m wearing, I don’t recognize this.

I’m unfamiliar,

Your unfamiliar.

Wait, who are you…

Who was I ?

Before I became this…

Someone, someone…

Help me..

Help me find myself, this longing,

This fear.

Will I be able to escape this lake of tears,

The water which rises,

My breath is counted.

A lump in my throat

And a jump in the cold water.

The cliff so high I can’t see the end.

Yet I jumped,

Scared of myself,

Scared of my actions.

Now I’m drowning,

Drowning in myself,

Or the former person I may have used to be.

It’s all…blue

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