Writing Prompt
Father throws his empty bottle of Jack at the wall And Mother cries over her burnt turkey dinner. I spilled the wine and took my grandmother’s freshwater pearls.
I bared my sole And shredded the tendons on the shards of glass, Reminding me of the blood that was shed under the May Moon.
Veins tangled like the tree lights— The only way to set them free is by severing.
I brushed your blonde hair Today is your first day of school Your smile was shining bright My beautiful sunflower
I wiped your tears Heartbroken you were Rejected by a boy The flower withered blue
The bells rang The doves sang Down the hall you walked White lilies bloomed from your hair
Old and grey you grew It crushed my heart My beautiful flower Nothing but dust
Bright beams of sunlight trickle through the window The day is warm and inviting I look out on the flowered meadow Thinking of happy feelings and times Butterflies flutter in every color It’s days like today that are for memories So I’ll invite my friends to come play We’ll stay all day till the sun goes down And live in the moment now
These memories are overflowing more than you can hold.
You try to shift such weighted grief, but you can’t feel consoled.
It’s gonna get easier in time, or so you’ve been told.
But you think it’s not fair you’re the one who gets to grow old.
There’s just one thing you must remember to warm such downcast cold.
Even if your tears can’t dry, tomorrow will come in bold.
The sun will still always gleam in brilliant shades of gold.
Yellow reminds me of the haze The haze of innocence Of bliss Once everything was yellow Long ago Now everything is tinted blue Like someone holding a sad sad cello Is darkening the world There he goes The sad sad fellow With his cold dead face I shoot I hit him Right between the eyes He is dead. Gone without a trace…
The color of roses, smiling at you with their soft and comfort smell. _Thorns. _The color of freshly picked apples, gleaming a bright red,_ Poison. _ The news your relative will be okay, as it lights up the room pink, _Blood. __This is not about the color red at all, but white, and how actions and people can stain it all. _
most of the paintings that i find myself doing are what they call -abstract- and i take whatever color (s) i am feeling and i pour the paint in my hands on my arms and throw it against the canvas sometimes delicate and slow for •yellow and from a height l i k e r a i n for blue
but the color i throwthefastest is the c o l o r i use the most
because i can rarely paint if i am not feeling red
The color is ocean blue It’s the label of the Hawaiian beer bottle on my desk, one of the first colors I now see Eating pizza and drinking beer is maybe not something I should do But after a long day of work that doesn’t bother me
When I’m tired at the end of the day My will power doesn’t have much left to say I just want some comfort food and drink and watch tv The evenings are just not the best part of me
In the morning I wake up with motivation to grab the day by the horns But when the day is over I can sometimes feel like I’ve landed in the bushes and thorns Perhaps I’m occasionally pushing it too hard I have to admit, that might not be so smart
There is so much I want to accomplish, so much I want to do But after a day of work some rest is also due Perhaps a pizza and a beer on its time isn’t the worst thing Tomorrow is a new day and I’m not sure what it will bring But I’ll do my best not to use up all my energy, instead to pace myself So that when the evening comes I’ll pick something healthier than pizza and beer from the shelf
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