
"I’d rather die tomorrow than live 100 years without knowing you." Matthew's eyes glisten as he looks across the table at his husband. The room is dark, but the candle flickers, providing just enough light to see the wet tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

Jay smiles, "your wish just might come true."

"What?" Matthew shakes his head as if that could make the words that have already entered his ears clearer.

Jay raises an eyebrow, "I said, you're a dream come true. What's that brain of yours doing?" He reaches out and places his hand face up on the table. "I love you."

Matthew melts looking at this boy who has always been so patient with him._ He is so special, _he thinks as he reaches out his perfectly manicured hand and places in Jay's much rougher one. "Have I told you how pretty you look tonight?"

He pulls at the collar of his shirt with his other hand as blush creeps up his neck. Jay is typically a graphic t-shirt and comfy shorts kind of guy, but tonight he wore a baby blue dress shirt that brings out the flecks of blue in his grey eyes and a pair of dark blue stacks that show off those strong, athletic legs. Before Jay had the chance to respond, the server arrived with their desserts. The boys lean back slightly as she places key lime pie in front of Jay, and crème brulé in front of Matthew, taking a moment to torch the top before asking, "you have everything you need?”

"Absolutely,” Jay answers lifting his old fashioned. "To my incredible husband, thank you for an amazing first year of marriage. I can't wait to grow old with you."

One tear slides down Matthew's face as he lifts his glass of wine. "To us,” he says clicking their glasses together. "I love you. But, you better not actually make me cry tonight," he says after taking a sip. “My makeup looks too perfect.” He bats his eyelashes and smiles.

Across the room sitting at the bar was an older man watching them. He sat sideways in his high top bar stool sipping whiskey, arm slung casually across the back of the stool. He was the kind of guy who always looked liked he belonged no matter where he was sitting. He twirled his moustache as he watched the two of them cheers across the table. It was clear they were celebrating something but he was too far away to eavesdrop.

It was the kind of place where people came to celebrate, or set up big meetings to impress investors. The high ceilings made it feel like a grand hall, red velvet curtains hung on the wall, and chandeliers sparkled, providing just enough light to create a sense of intimacy. A quick scan of the room, the man placed half a dozen movie stars, a player from the NBA, and the table immediately between him and the boys sat the mayor and his wife.

He turned to the bartender who was shaking a martini for the women seated a few stools down from him. It was impossible not to notice how the bartenders biceps buldged ever so slightly under his tight black tshirt as he showed of his shaking technique. The women shamelessly ogled, giggling like school girls, even though all of them had to be over forty. The man sighed, remembering when he used to catch the eye of cute bartenders in his twenty’s. When he was cute and fit and full of confidence.

When the pretty bartender with beautiful long eyelashes poured the drinks, the man caught his eye. "Can I get something for you, sir?" He asked, his brown eyes were big and round and his voice was kind.

"Yes, can I buy a round for that couple seated over there?" He turned to point across the room to where Matthew and Jay were seated. When the bartender raised his eyebrow he added, “It looks like they're celebrating.”

This didn't answer the question the bartender was really asking but he didn’t press. He simply nodded and turned to the computer to look up their order.

The man turned sideways in his seat again, took a small sip of whiskey and scanned the room for the third time that evening. It was a fancy place, so it was much harder than usual to spot the strategically placed cameras. And the only other accessible exit, other than the one he had entered through, was down a long hallway near the bathrooms, so he really coldn't make any mistakes tonight.

Just as his eyes landed back at the table with the celebrating couple, their server arrived with their drinks. She must have explained that he had bought them because she pointed across the room and both men turned to look. So, he raised his glass in celebration and so did they.

"I wonder if he's gay" mused Matthew as he turned back to his partner.

"Does it matter?" Jay asked, taking a sip of the new old fashioned that had been placed in front of him.

“Of cause not," I'm just curious. “There is no denying that we are. And it isn't everyday a stranger buys you a drink in this neighborhood."

Jay laughs, watching the wheels turn in his beautiful boys head.

“I know you’re bi,” Matthew continues. “But you know there’s no way he’d know that.” Matthew grabs a loose curl and pulls at it absentmindedly.

“Slow down.” Jay requests calmly and reaches over to place his hand gently on top of his partners. “Don’t over think it and just enjoy your drink.” He rubs tight circles across the back of his hand until Matthew turns it over and they lace their fingers together. Matthew always loved how his hand felt so small in Jays, his bright red nails vibrant against Jays pale skin.

“You don’t think anything bad is going to happen?” Matthew asks chewing slightly on his bottom lip.

“Something bad?”

“Yeah, like he’s trying to get us drunk and then meet us in the parking lot.”

_Maybe sending them drinks was a bad idea, _the man thought. The smaller man, the one in an almost sheer white blouse and high waisted pants, suddenly looked concerned. He looked as his watch, it was almost 10pm, if this was going to happen tonight, it had to be now. He couldn’t let these beautiful young men distract him any longer.

The room went black and a few people screamed even before they registered the sound of the gunshot.

“Jay, did you feel that?”

“Feel what?” Jay immediately stood. “Are you okay?” He just stood there for a moment because even though they sat at a small table he couldn’t see his partners face. “Matthew?”

“Yes? I think I’m okay.”

When the lights flickered back to life a minute later, Jay stood hands on the table, chair toppled over on the floor behind him. A shriek came from behind him and a few people ran for the exit, but the on,y thing he cared about was Matthew. But Matthew was covered in blood.

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