Submitted by mku1tra

One evening a goose arrives on your porch. He tells you his name is Frank and he must come in.

Who is Frank and what happens next?

They Saved MešŸ¦†

(Sorry this is so long lol. Thanks for reading though :) Also, this does mention depression and suicidal thoughts. Just a TW!)

ā€œIā€™m not depressed, Momā€

Because Iā€™m not. Iā€™m just a girl who likes to write really sad poetry. Is that so bad?

ā€œHoneyā€¦ you were diagnosed with depression. Whether you think youā€™re depressed or not, you need therapy.ā€

I had it all figured out. Yes, my mind has been in a dark place lately, but I had a mask. I wore a gorgeous smile every day and owned it. If my ex best friend, Em, hadnā€™t ratted me out, Iā€™d still have control.

I would still be able to let my mind wander freely without people hovering over me. Trying to steal my independence and control.

ā€œPlease, Jai, work with us.ā€

Why would I want to work with anyone? Theyā€™re all working against me!

I just want to be alone. I wouldnā€™t be happy, but happiness isnā€™t something Iā€™m looking for. Iā€™m looking for peace.

ā€œI just want to go to sleep.ā€

ā€œNo honey, youā€™re going to therapy then weā€™re visiting Em.ā€

People make me want to gag. Especially my therapist and Em.

Sometimes even my mom.

I peel myself off the couch and groan as I force my shoes on my feet.

I hate shoes.

I hate life.


That was the worst visit ever.

Em spent the whole time asking me questions I didnā€™t want to answer.

ā€œHow are you _doing_, Jailyn? Howā€™s _therapy_?ā€


ā€œJailyn, you should _talk_ more. I mean, who doesnā€™t like _talking_? Why donā€™t you _talk_?ā€

And her cat kept hissing at me.

My mom can disown me, but Iā€™m never coming back again.


Finally, the best part of the day, time for sleep.

I snuggle in my warm blanket and Brownie comes and sleeps on my bed.

He snores but I donā€™t care.

I let my mind wander. I think about my last poem.

_A pond_

_Which looks so shallow_

_Is 6 feet deep._

_He ran _

_Through the fields_

_As I struggled to swim_

_My arms_

_Slowly went limp_

_And I drowned_

_He never_

_Even looked back_

_I never even cried for help_

I fall asleep to the sound of my ragged breathing and the feeling of emptiness that I canā€™t seem to escape in the deepest part of my heart_._

_ {~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}_

A weird sound is coming from my door.

I float over and grab the doorknob, because in this world, there is no pressure. Itā€™s all just free.

I giggle when I see a goose on my porch.

ā€œYou are a quacky mess.ā€


ā€œNameā€™s Frank. Gonna need to come in.ā€

A tense feeling clutches at my heart but I shake it away. No. No stress.

ā€œTake me away.ā€ I tell Frank

The house walls were starting to close in on me. What was happening?

ā€œReally? Oh well alrightā€

And he lifts me up.

We fly.

The stars fly with us.

ā€œThe stars are flying!!!!ā€ I giggle

ā€œYour head is stuck in a butthole!ā€ Frank quacked

_What? _No. Tell him to stop.

Heā€™s interrupting my peace!

Thatā€™s when I see my report card.

ā€œLook at your grades!ā€ He quacked. ā€œTheyā€™re quacking low!ā€

I canā€™t look away. Heā€™s right.

But what does it matter?

This human existence is just an endless cycle of being left alone and failing. Who would even care if I got good grades? I wouldnā€™t. I would just slap myself for not doing better.

Suddenly, I feel a slap. Ow!

ā€œThere, thereā€™s your slap!ā€ He quacked

ā€œWhat is even going on?! How are you reading my mind?! Why do you exist?ā€

ā€œIā€™m here to help you. Because you are unite lucky, but you just donā€™t know it.ā€

ā€œI donā€™t need you HELP! Iā€™m fine! Ugh, I hate you!ā€

I felt my anger rising. The sky was darkening. I felt weightless and helpless, like I couldnā€™t control anything.

Thatā€™s when Frank waved both his wings in my face.

And I fell straight down.


My mouth feels really weird.

Why does my bottom feelā€¦wet?

My arms feel like paper! Am I sick?!

Wait, why am I-

OH MY GOD! I leaped backwards in terror.

Iā€™m a DUCK! Holy droppings!

Great, now I swear like a duck too?

ā€œWelcome.ā€ Frank says behind me. ā€œTo Duck World! This pond is called UrMomā€™sSoCoolShesLiterallyAduckā€

I stare at him.

Then yell ā€œGet me out of here!!ā€

I canā€™t be here. I need my bed. I frantically look around.

_Woah. _My eyesight is good. Everything is soā€¦clear.

ā€œLook, I can only turn you back after a day. Soā€¦ā€


A day of being a duck.

I hate ducks.


ā€œWhy are we up so early?ā€

I usually sleep in til noon on Sundays. Later if my mom lets me.

ā€œBefore dawn is when ducks find their safe spot for the day and socialize.ā€

Socialize?! Son of a duck.

ā€œWeā€™re going to meet my friends.ā€

ā€œFrank, no!ā€

ā€œWeā€™re not like humans.ā€ Frank says in front of me.

And off we go.

The water is so quacking cold. How do ducks float around on it all day?


Frankā€™s friends are funny.

They ask me about my human family. I say I have a mom, but sheā€™s so ducking annoying.

ā€œMoms are the worst. All mine ever eats is her own poop.ā€

ā€œMine makes ME eat her poop. She says it has fiber in it.ā€

ā€œMine ate my poop when I was a duckling. Sheā€™d sit by me and watch me poop, and then shoo me away so she could ā€˜savor her mealā€™ā€

Iā€™m quacking up like crazy. Humans are never stupid funny like this.

This reminds me of the nights Em and I used to spend together, laughing at the dumbest things.


This pond is so filled with nature. Everywhere I look, thereā€™s flowers or lily pads.

It feels nice to just float.

ā€œBath time!ā€ Frank says behind me.

Ugh Iā€™d rather just keep floating.

ā€œDo what I do.ā€ Frank demands.

He washes his mouth in mud. I slowly do too.

He licks his feathers. I do too.

He dives underwater. I do too.

It feelsā€¦.nice.


ā€œIā€™m so hungry. I want pancakes.ā€

All I can think about is pancakes. I usually donā€™t want them, but today I do.

ā€œUgh, youā€™re so lame! Out here, we have the goods. Nature!ā€ Frank is on a lily pad next to me.


ā€œNot gross. Itā€™s time to forage!ā€

My stomach grumbles. All I want is my human body back.

Frank and his friends waddle onto land. I hungrily follow. Frank collects worms with his beak. His friends collect leaves.

ā€œWhat if theyā€™re poisonous?ā€

ā€œJust go for it, Jailyn! Itā€™s all good!ā€

The taste of leaves in my mouth is unusual. But I bring it to the table.

And we feast. The worms taste squirmy, but iā€™m no longer hungry anymore.

ā€œHumansā€ Frank says ā€œTheyā€™re coming.ā€


ā€œThey want to kill us. We donā€™t know why.ā€

My heart drops.

ā€œWe have a plan though. A very good shelter. But we all have to be alert today while we rest.ā€

ā€œYou meanā€¦ I could get killed too?ā€

ā€œYes we all could.ā€

Panic startles me. The pressure. Itā€™s on.


I canā€™t die.

There are whispers in my brain telling me that I shouldnā€™t care. That life isnā€™t worth living.

Usually that would comfort me.

But now itā€™s scaring me.

I have a mom who loves me back home. I have a best friend who hasnā€™t stopped trying to connect with me. No, they arenā€™t perfect, but Iā€™m not either.

Also, if I can survive being a duck, I can survive anything.

Thatā€™s when I break down.

How could humans be so cruel and careless? Weā€™re all in this life together, trying to survive. Ducks donā€™t deserve to die. No animal does.

I cry, until I canā€™t anymore.

And eventually fall asleepā€¦.


I wake up to a lot of quacks around me. Iā€™m in a sheltered area, resting.

But something isnā€™t right.

ā€œFrank?!ā€ I call.

Then I hear rustling and footsteps above me.

My heart drops.


My mind tells me_ _that itā€™s time.

Time to let go.

Iā€™ve wanted to stop fighting for so long, and this is my chance to finally get peace. Besides, everyone I love thinks Iā€™m a total mess.

_Iā€™m not worth it. _

Iā€™m about to quit, but a voice stops me.

ā€œBe brave, Jailyn.ā€

Itā€™s Ronnie, Frankā€™s friend.

Thatā€™s what iā€™ve been missing.


My mom used to tell me that bravery isnā€™t about always feeling accomplished and happy. Itā€™s about doing the right thing even when youā€™re down.

So I dive underwater, because the alarm signal is getting louder. A duck is in a heap of droppings, and they need to be saved.

I find Frank stuck in a mud bath, where the mud is rising. I force myself to fly the best I can and aim right for Frank.

I hear the humans yell ā€œDUCKS!ā€

But all I can see is Frank drowning_._

Then I see nothing_._

_ {~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}_

I wake up in my own bed.

Iā€™m a human again.

It was all a dream. It felt so real.

Ronnieā€™s words are ringing in my head, like a telephone gone unheard.

A new poem comes to mind. A short one.


_Like an unreachable star_

_Yet actually just a shy neighbor_


_Itā€™s power_

_Can save you_

_Once itā€™s found_



My mom comes in, startling me. I stiffen.

ā€œHey honey! Good morning! How are you?ā€ she sits on my bed like she did when I was a kid.

Iā€™m not ready for this. But here I go.

ā€œMomā€¦ Iā€™m not okay. Iā€™mā€¦ youā€™re rightā€¦ Iā€™m depressed.ā€

I start trembling, and she quickly grabs me.

ā€œOh Jailyn. How- whatā€¦ā€

ā€œDucks.ā€ I say to her chest. ā€œThey saved me.ā€


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