More Sickness Chp. 4

Back with more Rita this time because why not.

Also, random seven year time skip because I started the part and it got boring so I'm doing this now.

To put it in perspective, Mikey would be 21, Leo and Donnie would be 22, Raph would be 23, April would be 24, and as for Casey and Splinter I honestly have no idea how old they'd both be. I could guess for Casey, but I don't have the brainpower to calculate that right now. And of course we can't forget the ladies. Rita and Anna are 14, Teresa is 13, and Marg is 15 (as I'm writing this little addition seven hours after writing everything else, I wanted to say that I realized seven hours ago that I coincidentally made the girls the same ages as the turtles in the actual Rise show 👀). Bet you can't wait to see who their version of April and Casey will be later. 👀


"Here's your medicine again. It's been two hours." Rita handed her softshell father the two pills.

He lazily reached up and took them. Grunting as they slid down his throat. "Always disgusting..."

"That's not really my fault. I didn't make them. Get some rest now, you need it." Rita whispered.

"Sure, sure. After you tell me you'll be okay going onto the surface." Donnie said.

"I'll have the girls with me." Rita replied. "Anything that happens, I'll have them to protect me. And I'll do the same for them."

Donnie coughed. "If you swear, I can rest knowing you'll be okay."

"I swear on my heart." Rita smiled softly. "I will be safe."

Donnie let the smallest smile cross over his face before he coughed again and closed his eyes. Rita looked across the med bay at Teresa, who leaned over her own dad.

"You ready?" Rita called quietly.

"Yeah. They're both sleeping now fortunately, so let's get Anna and Marg." Teresa left the medbay and Rita followed.

The two other mutants were already waiting for them at the tunnel leading to the ladder.

"There you two are!" Anna exclaimed.

Rita held up two fingers and didn't stop walking until she reached the ladder. Anna, Marg, and Teresa weren't far behind. They scrambled up the ladder and sprung past the sewer lid.

"Oh sweet fresh air!" Marg took in large gulps of it.

"Haha, tired of the sewer stink?" Teresa joked.

"Enough on that, how about we actually go to April's this time?" Rita asked.

"I'm up for it."

"Ha, reminds me of when we met Auntie Casey for the first time."

"Why not?"

"Great." Rita spun to face the street. "Onward ladies!"

The four leaped across the street and went up a ladder to reach the roof of a building. They ran across roofs and jumped alleyways. A few minutes later, April's apartment window came into view.

"I'll go and knock on her window. Do you three mind waiting until she has it open to go over? I really don't think that ledge could hold all of us." Rita stated.

"We can do that." Anna replied confidently.

Rita nodded at them and leaped over to the ledge, landing on it nimbly. She gently tapped on the window. A few seconds later, April slid the window open and looked out.

"Hey April. We just came by to say hi." Rita told her.

April smiled. "No big deal. Come on in you four."

Rita slipped through the window and one by one the others joined her. April left them to a small living room and they took places on the couch.

"Donnie and Mikey still sick by the way?" April wondered.

"Yeah. Teresa and I managed to get them to fall asleep before coming here." Rita answered.

"That's good. I'm glad they're in your twos hands. Would any of you like a snack? I got some chips or crackers in the pantry." April headed into the kitchen and returned with four bags.

"No thanks I don't think any of us are hungry. We lost our appetites after Leo tried making us really weird looking...somethings." Rita replied.

"Yeah, it _really_ did not look remotely close to any food. I wish he had let Teresa make us lunch instead." Anna made a disgusted face.

"I can understand that. I remember the day I had met Sunita. Did the bros tell you about her? Anyway though, Leo and Donnie had taken me to Hueso's in the morning and gotten that uh...what was it called? I don't remember, but it had weird almost worms on it, it was disgusting and really weird. I didn't take a single bite and let them have it all. It's the day I just wanted to be a normal human teenager. It was sure an adventure of a day though." April finished.

"That definitely sounded exciting." Rita said. "And our dads did tell us about her. The...Foot Clan had been following her, right? And Leo and Donnie had to dress up as grandmas to follow you and fight them off. As well as try to keep your day as normal as possible."

"That's it right there. And I still love 'em for every second they tried to help." April laughed. She glanced up at a clock on the wall. "Oh would you look at the time. I gotta be somewhere soon, so the four of you gotta get out of here."

Rita, Anna, Teresa, and Marg got up from their spots on the couch and headed for the window. Rita stayed behind and looked over her shoulder. April watched her.

"I hope we can find ourselves someone as good as you one day." Rita whispered.

April smiled. "I know you will."

Rita turned her head back and leaped down to the others.

"Wanna find out where Aprils going?" Anna asked mischieviously.

"I think we should just head back home." Marg admitted. "Rita and Teresa might have to give Uncle Donnie and Uncle Mikey more medicine."

"It hasn't been two hours yet, so I guess I can go. Teresa?" Rita called.

"Oh yeah, sorry. Mikey needs...I can't go, sorry!" Teresa leaped into the nearest sewer entrance.

"Okay...well it's just us then. Remember to keep quiet. We wouldn't want her to discover us like she did with Leo and Uncle Donnie." Anna whispered.

The trio slipped farther into the alleyway behind them and peeked out around the building to watch April leave. Rita narrowed her eyes and quickly ran to a closer alleyway when she had gotten far enough away from them. They continued following April until she reached a small building and went inside.

"Anna, can you go and try to watch through that window?" Rita pointed at an orange tainted window on the side of the building.

"Sure thing." Anna hopped away.

"Marg, you can go to the other side and look through another window if there is one. I'll put on this thing I found lying around..." Rita pulled a golden brooch with a green center out of her pocket and carefully attached it to her fur. "And see if I can get an insider look."

Rita flipped her new blond hair out of her face and walked over to the doors of the building, pushing them open and going inside. She glanced left then right to see her cousins watching through the windows.

"Hello, young lady." A store clerk greeted. "What may I help you find today?"

Rita panicked. "Oh, um, I can just look for it myself. There's no reason to...waste your time." she quickly scurried away behind a shelf.

Where was April? She had walked in here then disappeared. They were supposed to be watching her at all times. For fun of course. Rita looked around. Water bottles, stickers, T-shirts, anything you could think of crowded the shelves.

"Maybe I can try...this."

Rita approached the store clerk, busy with refolding shirts that customers had left in disarray after holding them up to themselves.

"Um, excuse me? I was wondering if I could meet the owner of this place? Maybe a manager?" Rita wondered.

The clerk turned around. "Why? Is there a problem?"

"No, no problem. I just interview! Yes that's it. I had an interview with the owner soon." Rita said.

"Okay. Do you have a resume with you?" The clerk narrowed his eyes.

Rita felt a drop of nervous sweat roll down her face. "Well, I uh...I mean she already has it. I met with her a few weeks ago and scheduled this to make the job final, nailed it." she added in a whisper.

The store clerk looked suspicious, but turned around. "This way."

He led Rita to a door in the far back of the store. A sign that read 'EMPLOYEES ONLY' was plastered on it. He opened the door with a key and let her inside.

"Just go down the hallway all the way until the end and she should be in her office. Good luck." he closed the door behind her.

Rita managed to catch a glimpse of his name tag which read 'Leif' before making her way down the dark hall. "Auntie April?"

No answer. Rita walked all the way to the end of the hallway, looking up at each name plate next to the doors. Just the the clerk had said, 'April O'Neil' above the word 'Store owner' were right beside the last door.

"Auntie April?" Rita knocked softly. "Auntie April??"

The door creaked and Rita took a step back. It swung open completely and April stood in the doorframe.

"Yes?" April asked.

Rita tugged the brooch off her. "I caught you."

April widened her eyes when the door across the way started opening. She pulled Rita into the office and slammed the door.

"What do you think you're doing? Who's with you? Anna? Marg? Teresa? Where?" April demanded.

Rita put the brooch back on. "Anna and Marg are outside the store, so no need to worry. We just wanted to track you for fun like Donnie and Leo. And you didn't catch us this time, did you now?"

April narrowed her eyes but laughed. "Yeah, I didn't catch you, but that doesn't mean you should be here. Anyone could have taken that brooch off."

Rita glanced down at it. She wiped over the green part with a finger and smiled softly. April started pacing.

"Miss. O'Neil?" A voice asked through the door.

"What is it?" April called.

"Can I come in? There was a...incident with customers." the voice said.

April opened the door and the clerk named Leif walked in. He scanned the room before his gaze fell on Rita.

"Two girls were staring in through our windows. I went out to ask why, and noticed they were animals. They said they were on mission or something. I brought them here." Leif moved over.

Anna and Marg slipped into the room in silence and heads hung. April looked them over.

"Do you remember those turtle guys?" Leif asked suddenly.

"Ye-" April glared at Anna and she stopped herself.

"Yes, I do. What about them?" April questioned.

"These two kinda look like them. Weren't they...uh...mutants, right that's the word, too?" Leif wondered.

"Yeah, Leif, they were. And if you really want to know the truth, you're right." April said simply.

Rita glanced down at the brooch again and held her hand up to it. She hesitated, then pulled it off, dropping it on April's desk behind her.

Leif widened his eyes and turned around. But instead of leaving, he shut the door. "You guys are really mutants like them? You're not wearing costumes?"

"We're not wearing costumes." Rita confirmed. "I just had a cloaking brooch on because I was after Auntie April as a joke. So were they, but they didn't come inside."

"How old are all of you then?" Leif wondered.

"I'm fourteen, the pitbull over there is fifteen, and the rabbit is also fourteen." Rita replied.

"And your names?"

"I'm Rita, that's Marg, and that's Anna." Rita pointed at each of them in order.

"Is there a fourth of you guys somewhere?" Leif looked around.

"Yeah, but she didn't want to come with us, so she's at home with her dad." Anna stated.

"Where's your-"

"Okay! I believe we've asked enough questions today! Why don't we all go out for some pizza and close the shop for today huh?" April asked in a cheerful tone that didn't match her eyes.

Anna, Marg, and Rita ran out of the room and store. April and Leif lagged behind.

"Hurry! I'm hungry..." Marg trailed off.

April finally made it to the front doors and locked them. "I assume we're just going to Hueso's?"

"Yes yes yes!" the girls shouted in unison.

"What's that place? I've never heard of it before." Leif asked.

April put her key away and started in its direction with the girls running around her legs. "You'll see. But when we get there, don't say anything, and especially don't draw attention to yourself, got it?"


Rita walked out of the restaurant full and tired. "That was some delicious dinner wasn't it guys?"

"Hueso's pizza will always be my favorite. There's never a boring option." Anna agreed.

"Okay girls, say goodbye to Leif before you go home." April said.

Rita, Marg, and Anna spun around and rushed to give their new friend a hug. He froze in shock. They let go.

"Hopefully I can see you girls again tomorrow? Maybe I can let you in the back so no one sees you." Leif wondered, sneaking a glance at Rita.

"Maybe." Rita smiled. "Bye Leif, bye April."

The trio headed away.

April looked to Leif. "They'll be taking over the boys as protectors of New York sooner or later you know. Maybe since you were the first to discover them, like I was the first to discover the boys, you can be to the girls what I was to them."

"You think so?" Leif whispered.

April looked out at the sky with him. "I know so."

Rita leaped into the hole and started toward the Lair. Marg and Anna weren't far behind. Rita suddenly felt a thought zip through her head and she froze.

"It's been more then two hours. I was supposed to give Donnie his medicine every two hours..." she whispered.

She raced away again and zipped up the way to the med bay. Donnie was sitting up and coughing.

Rita went to his side slowly. "Hey, dad, I'm sorry for being out so long. I didn't expect time to move so quickly." she grabbed the bottle of pills and shook two out. "Here. You're supposed to get them every two hours, but I missed it..."

Donnie continued coughing, but reached up a weak hand and took the two pills. Rita gently tugged him back into laying down.

"Did you at least sleep?" Rita asked quietly.

"Only for-" he coughed again. "Only for an hour or two..."

"That's good." Rita looked around. "I'll be right back soon to check on you." she turned around and left.

Rita started making her way to the kitchen. A muffled shout made her flick her head in the direction of Leo's room. She raised an eyebrow. What happened now?

Anna hopped out of Leo's room and tripped, falling on her side. "Leo-" she choked back a sob. "Leo won't wake up!" she cried.

Rita froze. In one swift movement, she rushed to her cousin's side. "Are you sure?"

Anna looked up at her with already bloodshot eyes from crying. "Y-yeah, I'm s-sure."

Rita looked into Leo's room. She walked over and went inside. Leo lay with his back facing his door. She went over and put a paw on the blanket covering an arm. She moved her paw to a certain place on his chest and felt a very slow heartbeat. Rita looked straight down to see his chest barely rise and fall with breaths.

"Anna." Rita called without looking back.

Anna slipped inside. "Yeah?" she sniffled.

"We need Raph to help move him. He'll be fine, he's just sick like the others." she added at Anna's expression.

Anna slipped back out and came back a minute later with the snapper. Rita backed away and let him cradle Leo as they walked to the med bay.

"How are you always so calm when this happens?" Anna wondered.

"It's not like sickness and injury are rare. Plus, my parents had split a few days before I became this, so I've been through much worse then a fever and a couple scrapes." Rita replied.

Raph stopped when he reached the med bay. "We only have two beds, where will we put him now?"

Rita looked up at him. "Anna and I can get some spare pillows or blankets? Or we can quarantine him in his room and treat him there."

"Mikey can leave the med bay in a few days." Teresa's voice joined in.

"Great. Until then, we'll just have to keep him in his room." Rita sighed.

Raph left to return Leo to his bed.


Over the next few days, the girls went back and forth between meals, training, and taking care of their fathers. Leaving no time to see Leif again. Mikey's sickness had gone away and he was back on his feet. Donnie and Leo still didn't seem like they were getting any better. Raph had tried to help the girls take care of them, but they wouldn't let him, saying that he could get sick too and they couldn't afford that. Only a week after Mikey got better, he got sick _again _and quarantined in his room.

Rita pulled a phone out of her pocket and sent another text to April.

"Why do you keep sending April stuff?" Anna asked for the third time.

"Because she's asking me to, now will you please stop asking that?" Rita replied.

"Fine, fine, geez." Anna whispered. "You might as well call Draxum to figure out why this is happening."

"No, we can do this. We don't need his help." Rita grunted.

"But he's a warring warrior _scientist_, Rita. You know what scientists do, they study things and find cures and stuff." Anna protested. "And plus, you kinda look...I don't know, not good?"

Rita glared at her. "I'll be fine. And I've said no every single time you've said to call him, so give it up."

Anna looked away. "Grumpy much." she whispered.

Donnie stirred a little and Rita glanced down at him. One of his eyes was open, one closed. She read the look on his face like words in a book and huffed.

"If anyone can find out what's really going on, its him, Rita." Donnie croaked.

"But, I can-"

He put a finger up to her mouth the stop her. "Call him. Then rest. You need it too."

Rita shook his hand away. "I'm not calling him! I've taken care of you for this long, so I'm not stopping until you're taken care of and can get out of here!" she growled and stormed away.

Donnie flinched and looked over at Anna.

Rita grumbled to herself until she could leave the sewer and breathe fresh air. April stood right by the exit with Leif standing a little ways away.

"Uh hello? What are you two doing here?" Rita wondered.

"We were just about to check up on things in person. Well, actually just I was." April answered.

"Why can't I go?" Leif pouted.

"Donnie, Uncle Leo, and Uncle Mikey are sick." Rita replied. "Best to not let a human catch whatever the sickness is."

April glanced at Rita and she saw it through the corner of her eye. "If you say to call Draxum, I'll claw your face off." Rita growled.

"I was gonna say you're not looking too hot either, Rita. Maybe you should-"

"I'm not calling Draxum!" Rita shouted.

"-rest." April finished.

Rita sighed. "I'm not resting until Donnie's better."

"That's not a good idea. You might as well catch whatever it is yourself now." Leif added.

"Well then you can leave, mister. I can do this without sleep." Rita folded her arms.

"Leif, go. We're going back, Rita, and I will make you sleep, by goodness." April pulled Rita back into the hole and moved the cover back over it.

Leif frowned, but left for home.

April practically had to drag Rita home and into Donnie's empty room. "You will stay here and sleep young lady." she commanded.

Rita groaned but positioned herself facing away from April on her custom made bed. She closed her eyes and fell asleep within minutes. April left after that.

Rita opened her eyes. Before her wasn't the room anymore, but a barren landscape with rocks sticking up everywhere. _Oh no_. She thought. _Why am I dreaming of this? They told the story years ago_. Rita turned her head to the side at a cut off scream and saw a nightmare. A large monster-like suit stood leaning over with its large arm protruding through something.

Rita opened her mouth and tried to scream, but no voice came out. _No! Wake up, wake up from this! I can't take it, please!_ Rita screamed in her head. More screams came that were cut short. She fell to her knees and sobbed.

Donnie was gone, Uncle Raph was gone, Uncle Mikey was gone, and Uncle Leo was gone. Rita felt more and more tears run down her face as the screams played on repeat. _Just get me out of here! I can't take this, stop!_ Rita repeated in her head.

She sat up with a start and gasped for breath. Rita curled her legs closer to her body and cried into them.

"R-Rita...?" Teresa whispered. "Are you okay? You kept whimpering in your sleep..."

Rita looked up at her cousin and wiped some tears away. "Just a nightmare. Sorry if I..." she trailed off.

"You don't have to be sorry." Raph joined in.

Teresa and Raph walked over and knelt beside her. Rita couldn't help as more tears ran down her face and a broken sob escaped her throat.

"What was it about?" Raph asked quietly.

Rita took a ragged deep breath. "I wish I could tell you, but..."

"But what?" Teresa wondered.

Rita glanced at Raph. "It's about you..." she looked away. "And Uncle Leo, Uncle Mikey, and Donnie."

Raph and Teresa looked at each other over her.

"I see..." Raph trailed off.

Rita put her chin on her knees and stared straight ahead. Nobody said anything for a minute.

"If you're ever comfortable talking about it, we're always here." Raph broke the silence.

Rita pushed herself up off the bed. "I know. And thank you. Are Donnie and Uncle Leo and Uncle Mikey doing?"

"They still aren't seeming like they're getting any better." Raph answered.

Rita sighed. "Okay, I'll call Draxum, but I don't want to hear anyone say that I should've done it sooner or that they said Draxum could figure it out. Ever."

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