final time

all in a golden afternoon , under the skies of a cloudless blue

We danced for what felt like hours

You gleamed beautifully underneath the sun , just like kind flowers

Heavenly glory ; disguised as a girl

Living treasures envy your elegance , even the most beautiful pearl.

Luminous and free , your hair grows wild

adored you have been , since you were a child.

Any obvious eye can see that i don’t deserve thee

not if i cry , not if i plea.

That’s why i knew you were so special , so kind ,

not one bad thought ran through your head when you saw me , not for a second , not in time.

So we dance together for one final time by the sea

Hoping you know that nobody will miss you more than me.

The sun falls in to a deep , peaceful slumber

As i reassure you not to cumber.

I hold you right in my arms as i know it’s the last time

And the bell of our adieu finally comes to chime. 🌌

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