I Saw Mommy Killing Santa Clause

The time was 3:42am and i had been awoken from some strange noises coming from downstairs. It was just me and my mum living together my dad had passed a few years ago and we had moved away from our old house. The floor boards creaked from downstairs and I could here the jingles of bells clashing together every few minuites. “Mom, is that you?” I questioned at the top of the stairs, my eyes half shut. There was no replie just more bells that began to sound fainter and fainter.

Halfway down the stairs i could see a shadow of a women in the living room, “mum?” But still no replie. Getting closer and closer noices began to occur, strange noises. They had almost sounded as if a man was being strangled followed by a grunting noice. “Mum?!, your scaring me” I said entering the living room. I noticed the cookies and milk that we had left for Santa the night before were all empty, not a single crumb left behind.

Turning my head to the noices my eyes exspanded my heart stopping, my feet were…. Red. My mum on the floor holding a large kitchen knife both her hands pressing it into a man in a big red suit on the floor. “What did you do-do…” the words slowly leaving my mouth in shock. Her head wipped in my direction she was panting like an animal, a rabid animal. her expression of pure hate fading, “honey, I was just getting rid of the big bad man” she told me kissing my cheek with her bloodied lips, and that all I remember I told the investigators tears dripping from my face.

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