Want. Want. Want.
__ It pulses through me, An ancient whisper in my mind, A fleeting feeling on my skin.
Want. Want. Want.
I want to be a better person.
I want to be nicer.
I want to be more honest.
I want to be more carefree.
Want. Want. Want.
But mostly… I want to be special. I want to be gifted with magic, Gifted with love. I want to live a fantasy of tragedy and courage, A tale of romance and despair. I want a story told of me, I want to face death and touch power.
Want. Want. Want.
Too many books.
Too many movies.
Too many songs.
Too many stories.
Want. Want. Want.
I want that. I want it so badly I can’t breath. The want in me is suffocating. I can’t breathe around it, Can’t think around it. It takes too much space. I’m drowning in my want, Trying to keep my head above the water. But every time I read a book- I slip. I slip for just a moment, And then I’m falling, Falling, Falling. But not to a haunted cave of ghosts and princes, Not to a bloodied battlefield of warriors and monsters. No, I fall to a simple couch. Trying to catch my breath, Trying to remember who I am. Because I am not a princess, I am not a warrior. I am not a savior, I am not a heroine to save all innocence. I’m ordinary. Simple. Common.