Write a poem that only involves dialogue.

Remember dialogue has to be between two or more people; it cannot be a monologue. Try to make it clear which voice is speaking when.

Yeah Just Tired

(The _Italics_ are thoughts)

“Are you ok?”

“Yeah just tired”

_“No I’m in pain, I can’t shut off my brain.The world is spinning slong with my thoughts. I don’t know who I am. But i guess I’m just tired”_

“Are you ok?”

“Yeah just tired”

_“Tired of hiding and keeping secrets. Tired of the comments and the hatred. Tired of who I have to be. But I guess I’m just tired.”_

“Are you ok?”

“Yeah just tired”

_“Everything hurts, I can barely move. I don’t want to be a burden or a trouble. So I’ll stay in my bubble. But I guess I’m just tired.”_

“Are you ok?”

“Yeah just tired”

_“I want to crawl into bed and cry. I’m alone and sit at home all day wallowing in sorrow. But I guess I’m just tired.”_

“Are you ok?”

“Yeah just tired”

_“I wish you would understand what tired really means. Because I am mentlly exhausted and almost burnt out. I am in pain and again and again I am alone. But I guess I’m just tired.”_

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