To Myself; On Cursing

(Quick warning, this is the most curse words I’ve ever put in a piece. Ik most people don’t mind but some people do. I grew up never ever cussing and although I still keep my language pretty clean, this is a note to myself that swearing has its place and sometimes is just what is needed to convey certain emotions. Don’t let my mom see this lol)


It’s ok to say “damn” if occasion permits

The world will not end if you let out a “shit”

The occasional “fuck”’s not as bad as it seems

Don’t let one “asshole” ruin your dreams

While “bitch” is not kind, sometimes it is true

And “hell” is so mild no one will have a clue

If someone’s a “dick” it’s fine to explain it

And though “cunt” is quite harsh, you won’t die if you say it

Though it’s good to be clean

And to temper your words

Oft abstaining from cursing

Is much more absurd

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