Write a short story including a letter that was never received.

What impact does this have on the reader's knowledge of the plot and characters?

Home Up

Taking up the tightly packed letter, loaded with the most precious thing. Knocked on the door and she answered quickly, yelling "Coming!" to the man behind the door. Snatching the letter and closing the door. Tossing herself onto the couch and opening the paper and it says... Remember when we were lovesick? Remember when we loved without caution? Remember when we trusted and loved the precious friends and family and things in life? Remember when we hoped to meet our one and only? ... She laughs and closes the letter slowly. By midnight, the words were still running through her head, answered by things she had wished she had known and scrawled down before... Remember when we were lovesick? Remember when we loved without caution? Remember when we trusted and loved the precious friends and family and things in life? Remember when we hoped to meet our one and only? Well, we still are all those. And are without regret... Because we are who we are We've experienced hurt, darkness, demons, everything to keep us from standing tall But we are standing, and that's all that matters, except for the friends that grew with us and got us to where we are today...
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