Icy Wind

I need to clear my mind.

I need to take all the junk,

All the useless thoughts,

All the distracting fears,

And throw them away.

I just don’t know how.

Being outside works.

In the freezing air,

Wind blowing until my cheeks sting

And my eyes water.

I want that.

It seems to tear into me,

Until I am nothing but a heart and bones.

I want everything I am to be torn away,

I want to start over.

I want that wind to tear me apart,

To strip me down to my basic traits.

I want all the distractions to be removed,

I want to breathe again.

I want to stop suffocating,

I want the air to sting my lungs.

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I genuinely have no idea what this was, pretty much just word vomit. I have zero motivation and no inspiration, but it’s getting pretty late and I gotta keep my streak…

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