
He grabbed my forearm, pulling it towards his chest. I gasped and stumbled towards him, as he interlaced our fingers. I really needed to leave. We started walking into a restaurant where they sold only seafood, and I was slightly allergic to crab. Not enough to harm me, but enough to give me a rash. We sat down and before the waitress could even take our orders, i smelt the crab. I stood up and excused myself to use the washroom. He grumbled in anger but didn’t say another word. I walked until he could no longer see me, and as I ran around the corner I bumped into someone.

“Oh, sorry!” I shouted and started to leave again, until he grabbed my arm, sending a tingle down my spine.

In a good way.

“And where do you think you’re going?” He flirtatiously asked.

“I, uh, the bathroom.” i stuttered.

He chuckled. “That’s not the bathroom, and we both know it.”

I moaned inside my head. Can’t i just leave?

“Okay fine. I need to leave. My date,” I pointed to my table where BLANK was sitting “is, uh, holding me hostage.” I fibbed. It was entirely a lie. He didn’t let me out of his sight at the gas station.

He looked at me from the corner of his eye, lifting his eyebrows.

“Okay, okay. I just am really not enjoying it to be honest.” I shrugged.

“Mmmm,” he smiled. “Maybe you should join me,”

I was speechless.

“I’m Cole, by the way.” he held out his hand.

I took it. “Jade.”

He smiled. I don’t know why, but it made my stomache flip. I had an urge to kiss his smirk, to run my hands through his dark brown hair and down his back, over his arms.

I stopped daydreaming and gagged at myself. What was I thinking? One, he definitely had a girlfriend. Two, I did not go on this date to go man-hunting. Gross. Never. Right?

Then what was this guy- cole - doing? What was his motive? And why did i suddenly want to kiss him every time I found his lips?

“I-I um-“ I started but couldn’t think of a way to get out of this.

He trailed his hands up my arms and rubbed them in a comforting way. I felt almost safe with him. Almost.

“Come on, I’ll take you back to my place, I won’t let him touch you.” Cole insisted.

On one hand I wanted to go with him, discover this new feeling and find out what cole has in store for me. In the other, I couldn’t leave my date behind, could I?

Against everything my gut wad telling me I nodded and he took my hand showing me outside. His ride was a motorcycle. A big black and red motorcycle that looked like it would go fast. I casted a glance at him. He smirked,” Hop on.” he said and i did.

He handed a black helmet though i noticed there was only one.

“you sure you don’t want it?” i offered but he shook his head

“Naw. It’s part of the fun.” He winked,”hold on!”

I wrapped my arms around his waist tight. I was terrified but i felt safe with him. Something about him told me I would be okay.

As we drove off my previous date ran out the back door that Cole and I had exited from,” Get back here Jade!” He yelled and i flinched as if he was right next to me,” What do you think your doing?!”

He cussed and suddenly i couldn’t hear him anymore, Cole had took a turn and my old date was now out of sight.

“Thank you.” I muttered, unaware that cole could move heard me.

“I have your back princess.” I couldn’t see Cole’s face but i figured he smirked after that phrase. Though I was weirdly attracted to the smirk.


one thing real fast guys, my settings on my phone are set to lowercase so don’t mind my bad capitalization 😂 ilyyy

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