Self Image

Disgusting. Hips too wide, arms too muscular, hair long and ratted from the dry ends. It’s thighs were thick, and it’s belly slightly hanging, stretch marks covering her sides. It was the most disgusting creature she had ever seen.

It was her.

Every time she saw herself in the mirror, she couldn’t help but think of the girls she saw at the mall. Thin, perfectly tan with flawless makeup and revealing outfits. Then she thought about her. Overweight, albeit not very much, no makeup, jeggings that were too small so that the top band kept rolling. Disgusting. Truly disgusting.

She remembered the girls’ glances at her and how they whispered among themselves, giggling quietly. She remembered people’s passing comments about her weight and appearance. And felt hot burning tears of hatred slide down her face. Not hatred for them, but for herself, because she knew they were all right. Every single comment.

And she knew, in that moment, that she would do anything, give anything, to look like those girls. Because skinny girls are listened to. Skinny girls are not ignored or overlooked. Skinny girls are beautiful.

And she wondered why nobody ever glanced at her like they did them. Why nobody listened to her like they did them. Beautiful people have the most beautiful lives, because they are the ones that are heard. Even when their heart does not match their face, people still love them.

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