"That's my goldfish!"

Write an action or thriller scene that contains this line.

Betrayal (part2!)


I thought it over that night as I stare blankly at my ceiling. Watching the fan blade turn slowly over and over like how I keep playing the events of that night over and over. Or how I’m turning my thoughts over and over unpacking every single detail about what he had said and what I believed.

I rolled over onto my stomach and grabbed my phone from my bedside table.

“Italy Cult Turned in, 2009”

I scrolled through a few different articles til I found one with a picture of my burned down house. My parents posted this one. I can’t believe they wouldn’t mention that. I’m confused as to why they also pretended it was so far away from where we are now.

My mind is made. I can’t trust my family so it makes perfect sense to trust a stranger. I laugh at the way my mind puts that together. I look at the time, 5:16 AM. Might as well go ahead and get ready for school.

I tug on a light yellow T-shirt and a pair of ripped jeans shorts. I braid my long curly hair in a single braid to halfway down my back and then tie it off. I curl my lashes brush on some mascara then grab a muffin and head out the door.

I walk back down to Via Cavour all the way down to the counter where we met up last night. As I’m walking down the street part of me hopes he’s there, like he knew I would be there somehow. My heart sinks a little when he’s not there.

What am I thinking!!? You don’t even know him, if he knew you were gonna be here that would be.. creepy!! Get it together! I shake my head and keep walking. Once I reach the doors to the school I straighten my posture up and smile at the headmaster as I walk in.

The whole day I was in class all I could think about was when I would meet him again. I thought about heading over to the candy shop again to see if he’d be in there. But I also thought about my house. Why would the people do that if they believed everything they say.

Then it clicked. I didn’t even get his name! He somehow knows who I am but didn’t even pause to introduce himself.

As soon as school lets out I pretty much fly across the street and rip the door wide open as I run in. I check every aisle and don’t see him. I grabbed my usual chocolate bar and then walked out the doors. Someone grabbed my arm and I screamed and punched whoever it was right in the nose.

“Ow!!” He holds his nose and I turn to see who it is. It was no big deal Y’know, just the guy I’ve been thinking about nonstop for the past 24 hours.

I slap a hand over my mouth and apologize a million times.

“It’s ok, really. Lesson learned,” he says while still groaning a bit. “I realized I didn’t give you my name yesterday, it’s Cade.” He streatched his hand out for mine.

“Melanie,” I say with a smile and I put my hand in his. I can feel my face get warm and I quickly pull my hand away from his. I turn to start walking home and he starts walking next to me.

“Have you made up your mind yet?” He asks leaning in over my head a little and my face only grows warmer. I put my hand over my mouth and nod. “Well?”

“I decided,” I pause for a moment making sure I’m absolutely positive I want to do this. “I’m gonna join.”

A smile spreads across his face. “I was hoping so.”


“What’s up?”

“What exactly happened to my house, my old one I mean?” I feel my brow furrow slightly and try to relax my face a bit more.

“Well, that’s kind of a long story,” he says with a slightly somber expression.

“I’ve got time,” I say with a soft smile.

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