Write a story that has no obvious protagonist.

Think carefully about how can you create an engaging story that doesn't have one main character.


Three children raced down the alleyway soaking wet from the pouring rain. They were afraid of something you could see it in their faces.

“We have to stop at some point Annie. We cant run forever!” A male’s voice echoed through the empty street.

“My mother did so why cant I Sam. Give me one good reason to stop.” Her voice was strained and full of hurt. The third child looked around worriedly. They were being to loud.

“Annie, Sam we need to be quiet people could here us.” The third person seemed to be the most reasonable the smartest of the three.

“Oh hush Sasha were fine.” Even with Annie’s reassurance Sasha couldn’t shake off this uneasy feeling, boiling in the pit of her stomach. One block, two blocks, seven blocks past before someone let out a bloodcurdling scream. Annie and Sam gave each other worried looks.

“SASHA!!” They both yelled at the exact same time. Turning their heads around fast to see where she had gone. A dark creature crept forward holding a limp body in its hand. The person’s auburn hair was hanging loosely around their shoulders. Their skinny pale frame outlined in the moonlight. Sasha, the person was Sasha. Annie and Sam looked at each other with terrified expressions. They had been found.

“You grab Sasha I distract Boris you got it Sam.” Sam nodded his face pale with worry for his little sister.

“Hey Boris you big ugly brute look here.” The monster Boris looked at Annie with a look of hatred that would have burned through a soul. At the exact same time Sam picked up Sasha who Boris had dropped. Her leg was swollen, She wouldn’t be able to walk. Annie was running farther and faster Boris’s dark figure looming over her. As Annie neared Sasha and Sam she pulled out her gun. Time froze as her finger pulled the trigger. A deafening sound filled the area. A ball of light shot out of the gun engulfing Boris in it.

“Ahhh!!!” The children ran farther and farther into the night leaving Boris and his screams behind.

“What were you thinking Annie!?!?! The school will be able to locate us now. They can track magic in case you forgot!” Sam’s face was red from anger and from running. He sat Sasha down on a rock that lay nearby.

“Well I had to do something didn’t I!” Annie’s face was also red. Her body was clearer now that the sun had stated to rise. She had pale skin and long black hair that seemed to fall in waves down her back. Her ice blue eyes looked to old for her young age. they held to much pain and sadness for such a sweet girl. Sam was also easier to see. He had dark skin and curly hair piled on the top of his head. His eyes were also blue a light baby blue. The eyes were the only resemblance between him and his sister.

“Let’s go somewhere else, people will start waking up soon. My mother built a safehouse about two mile away. Let’s go there.” Sam nodded and picked up Sasha with a soft grunt. The trio walked for almost one and a half hours, only held back by their fatigue and having to carry Sasha. They arrived at a small patch of trees with dying grass surrounding them.

“Here it is we just have to open the door.”

“The door there is no door. There’s nothing here Annie.” Sam gave a tired sigh while Annie just rolled her eyes.

“of course you cant see anything. It’s hidden you idiot.” Sam blushed a shade of crimson realizing his mistake. Annie started looking for a small pannel hidden somewhere.

“Aha!” Found it. With a satisfactory grunt Annie lifted the pannel.

“What are you waiting for come on.” As the two of them climbed down they stayed silent. Finally Their feet hit the cool floor drawing breaths of relief from the two of them.

“Wow this is perfect.” Said Sam

“I know.” Replied Annie

“I know.” Sam decided to find medical supplies. This was the last thing Annie had of her mother’s. After they settled down and Sasha’s leg had been treated the three of them sat down for dinner. They mostly ate in silence till the end when Sasha asked the question they all dreaded answering.

“When can we go home and be safe.” Her voice quivered with sadness.

“Oh Sasha. We’ll never be safe.”

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