Who Knows

Will I ever find someone?

Someone that truly cares about me?

And will be by my side no matter what I do or someone else does?

People come and go.

Sometimes they come, then leave, then come back.

Other times they leave and never come back.

But the thing is, I don’t blame all of the people who have left.

And it’s not my fault.

It’s theirs yet I don’t blame them for leaving.

Why do I not blame them?

Because no one is perfect.

Especially not me.

I’m not anywhere near perfect.

I look in the mirror and haha, I laugh at myself.

I laugh right before the tears kick in.

Right before the pain kicks in.

Right before the realization of how imperfect I am kicks in.

Nah, I don’t care when someone says I’m ugly.

It’s because they’re true.

Will I admit that they are.

Not to their face, hell no.

I have to stand tall before I break.

Sometimes I think they are just jealous.

And they might be.

I highly doubt it but, who knows?

So will I find someone?


But who knows…

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