Am I Human?

There is nobody here

To watch me break down

I’m completely alone

With nobody to run too

I look at you with tears in my eyes

Begging you

To understand me

But how could you

It’s not your fault

It’s not anyone’s fault

It’s all in my head

After all

I would try to explain

To you

But I refuse to breakdown

In front of you

Now I’m yelling at you

Angry for no reason

At least no reason

That you can see

But little do you know

How little sleep I get

Tossing and turning

Paralyzed with numb

The only relief

Is when I do cry

Proving to myself

That I am still human

Human is a funny thing

We’re supposed to be

So many things

Yet we’re so different

One makes living

Look easy

Another is relying on drugs

To feel anything

Maybe I’m not meant

To be living in this world

Sometimes I wonder

If anyone would miss me

Those nights

Where I’m paralyzed

Numb to the world

I pray for an end

An end to this life

That I know I can not find

Never to find

A genuine smile or laugh

It’s been so long

Since I’ve seen the light

Maybe it hasn’t actually been long

But time has never passed so slowly

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