Write a scene where two characters discuss a mundane topic, like the weather, but both have hidden agendas.

Use subtext to hint at the underlying motives without stating them explicitly.

Do You Like Me?

The little girl stands facing her mother, her eyes peering up at her. “Do you like me?” She asks. Her mother is quick to respond, “of course I love you!” With a bright smile she makes her tone warm and inviting. The little girl doesn’t move. Her mouth is carved into a frown, and she doesn’t smile, she just stares at her mother. She looks at her in sadness, and this time, with a quiver in her tongue, she asks “but…do you _like_ me” while tears are forming at the spot. Her mother stares at her again, this time thinking. Her expression changes from warm to cold, her eyes showing a cruel undertone that was not visible before. “Don’t be silly, Madison.” she states, then walks away.

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