Your protagonist sees an unsent text on their friend's phone that they never had the heart to send to them...
Pieces of my Heart
"Love, I will miss you. Deeply. Its always been my dream and I.. I.. well, you know. Ive always wanted to explore, and to see the world. Your a homebody. I am not. Were so opposite to the point that we've come to love eachother. Love, I cannot promise I'll be back. I cannot promise I will ever put a ring on your finger. I cannot promise that there will be no tear. But I can promise that you will forever be in my heart. I hold you in my heart, Love. You've been dear and good to me. You've seen me at my worst. You've seen me in my doughts. You've seen me in my troubles. You are always so patient. You are always so kind. You are always forgiving. You, my Love, are more than any man could ever dream of.
I can trust you to find someone else. I can trust you to be sad. I can trust you to feel lonley. And most importantly, I wish I could trust you not to harm yourself. Please Love, never ever hurt yourself because of me. That is the worst possible thing you can do. I hope you'll take my word on that.
Love, I will be traveling to Europe. I want to visit every country, I want to study the culture, I want to eat the food, and I want to remember you with everything I see. Love, your more to me than anthing this world has to offer. You might ask then, why are you leaving? I feel a call, a push in a sence to do my dreams and to let you have another opportunity with someone else. Love, pieces of my heart are engraved in your name, felt in your body, alive in my veins. Love, I need you and me to let go.
Your best friend, Your partner, Your loved one, Your fiancé,
Philipé Edwardo"
Delete, delete, delete.
It's gone, the words taken aback. A tear swells down my cheek as we ride the metro. I look at him, my eyes glistening in the dim light. His jaw is tight, but relaxes once he realizes that I'm looking. He sees them. His hand cups my face and embraces me in a soft kiss, gentle like a feather.
"I chose you, Ahnalea. I chose you."
He searches my eyes, waiting for a promising repsonce. My face feels wet, my feet cold in my sandals, and my lips feeling empty. My heart aches. He lets a smile press his face, lips persed. He grabs his bag, almost too heavy. A brown work bag. Work. I let myself drift, processing all the was said and unsaid.
I feel the pit of my stomach drop as we get out, swaying my small orange purse and he guides me put. I turn around.
"Philipé Edwardo, I love you."
His grin makes it seem as nothing happened. As if he wasnt planning on leaving at all.
"And I love you too, Love."
I feel tears gush down to the floor. My heart pounds louder, my head spinning from all the commotion.
"Go," I say in a whisper of a voice. Some part of me wishes I hadn't said it. The other is urging.
His face falls.
"But Ahnalea, I chose you. I want you more than anything in the world. Nothing can change that."
I unclasp my dear necklace. I open his palm and place it in, gently.
"My love, don't. It was my desicion. You were never suppose to see it." The tears don't stop. I can't even speak. I turn around and hop on the next metro. It closes just before he gets on.
"I hold you in my heart, Philipé Edwardo."
I hold you in my heart.
(Philippians 1:7)