Photo by Annite Spratt @ Unsplash

Create a story or poem with the theme of 'Dead Roses'.

Our Tradition

I’ll never forget!

The tradition you started since the day we met.

You never missed a day.

Your timing as perfects as a beautiful sunshine ray!

A beautiful bouquet of red roses.

The scent so strong it filled our noses.

If I were to ever define love in one smell.

It would be fresh roses with a bit of your cologne that you can barely tell.

You’d buy 12 but would always keep one.

I never knew why and always thought it was for fun.

You responded “It’s to know when to buy roses that are new.”

And from then my feelings only grew!

And now the roses are old and dry.

Their petals no longer open facing the sky.

Their wilted and brown.

Whoever sees it would frown.

Their only facing to the floor.

And it makes my heart feel sore.

The leaves are brown, dried up and shriveling.

As I stare and can’t help but wonder if your missing me.

Now who will buy me new flowers?

Because compared to you all men were cowards!

Now all flowers remind me of you.

From roses that are red to violets that are blue

Soon the roses will turn to dust.

As my clock begins to rust.

But no matter how long I’ll still stare at it with ambition.

Waiting until you restart our favorite tradition…

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