You are convinced you can see mysterious figures lurking in the shadows. Write a poem about them.
Choose a specific style of poetry that would be suitable for this theme.
Figure Or Human
I can feel you looking at me
Your eyes are piercing me skin
No one believes me
I know your there
Where are you
Show yourself
You are there i know it
I can see you
Can i
Am i lying to myself
Maybe its in my head
I feel like your laughing at me
Are you
Where are you
Are you a person
Haha guys really funny stop scaring me
I see everyone though
So who are you
Am i imagining you
Am i high
No i can feel you
Prove to me your there
I can’t take this
Show yourself
This isn’t funny
Who are you
Your in the shadows
I know you are
Stop making me go crazy
I know your there
My heart is racing
I feel you getting closer
I am hearing things
I feel your breath in my ear
The world goes silent
I can’t hear
It goes dark