Write a poem from the perspective of someone drunk and brave.
Play with the style of the poem to convey their current state.
This Is Love.
Heavy are my feet against the concrete walkway,
Sweat drips down my face,
But I must be strong—I must,
This isn’t a duty of a drunk man
—But more of one in love,
A drunk man not drunk off drink, no, but rather love,
Love that taints my lungs,
Love can be painful—it can,
This is the truth of the matter
—There must be sacrifice,
Non-sacrificial love is not real devotion,
I know this all too well,
So I trudge onward—I do,
It becomes more real when there is pain
—Pain felt so love can be,
Willingly fighting so it can always exist,
That is real devotion,
That is what love is—truly,
Truthful love is putting yourself last
—Last so the other is first,
Devotion cannot exist without selflessness,
That is why I’m here,
While she is there—inside,
Away from the summer sun’s strong rays
—While I wash her dirty car,
While she now grins at me from the porch of our house, smug,
I spray her with the hose,
She shrieks and I laugh—she laughs,
I would do anything for this love
—Just for that contagious smile.