🌌 The Rain 🌌

The rain simply calms me, I’m not trying to be cliche, I’m not trying to have someone pick me, it’s just so cozy and so lovely.

It’s such a great feeling, sitting in the downpour thinking, or even if you’re still scrolling on your phone, everything’s better while it’s raining.

When the rains warm, the storms thundering, the sky is ever darkening, the trees are around you, the space above you is cloudy, and you can feel the stress inside you lifting.

It’s almost like you’re in a movie, there’s no camera that can really capture the beauty, it’s surreal how the moment seems to be everlasting.

Its weird how the time goes so quick while the earth is watering, but it also seems to last infinitely, such a peaceful feeling with no worries. So ill continue sitting outside in the black sky, with the droplets falling on me, letting my worries drift away quickly, because these moments are so few but last forever.

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