The Trunk

Anette grins as she scribbles down her ideas. Professor T’s horror class is fun. She has a blast. While most classes try to tamper down her love for the blood and guts, this one celebrates it.

Horror movies are her jam. Especially the ones that get amazing effects for the kills. Thinking to some of her favorite like The Thing (only the original, not the remake), the Fear Street trilogy, Freaky, and of course the Saw franchise, these will be her inspiration.

Ten minutes isn’t a long time, so she should start with something she is familiar with.


_Waking up is a slow, disorienting process. Ada feels strange. Drowsy, for sure, but different from opening your eyes from a long slumber. _

_Once the world comes into focus and her brain wakes up, she realizes that she’s not in her bed. Very far from it. It’s pitch black. She’s in an awkward position with her wrists aching. They are binded behind her, her skin already burning, probably rubbed raw. _

_Her ankles are free, so she tries to get on her elbow to sit up but then her head hits something and she is forced back down. _

_Where was she?_

_Then the ground is vibrating. A rumble. _

_She’s in a car. The trunk._

_Panic sets in. Who is driving? Why did they take her? What the hell is going on?_

_Trying hard to feel around with her feet, her right foot hits something that sounds like it rolls a bit away. With no vision, she manages to find it again. She turns herself around and feels it with her tied hands and feels a button. Pressing it, a light blinds her. _

_It’s a lantern light thing. A lightbulb with glass panels letting light through. It allows her to see more of the space. There isn’t much that she can visualize._

_Just the lantern, herself, and her blood. _

_She needs to untie herself. Without many options, she positions herself on her side either her hands grasping the lantern. It takes two times with how the car is jerking her, but she does get ahold of it. Using her whole body, she repeatedly slams it down. _

_But there is no glass shattering. She sighs. With only a crack in the glass, she needs a faster way. _

_Wincing, she knows what she needs to do. She manages to push it down towards her feet. Whispering a quiet prayer, she kicks where the crack is with as much strength as she can muster. Immediately, it breaks. Glass explodes as does the pain in her foot. Without any coverings, the shards cut into her flesh. It left jagged red lines that seeped more blood. _

_The pain dizzies her mind for a moment. _

_She can still see since the glass panels broke but not the lightbulb thankfully. Or not thankfully, since the glass sticking out of her foot is in her vision. _

_Rolling a bit to a larger piece of glass, she grits her teeth when she embeds more glass into her skin. With it in her hands, it slices into her palm, but she keeps hold. Her wrist aches as she cuts into the rope, but she keeps going. Finally she feels the bindings give way. _

_Now being able to see her wrists, she cringes at the bloody mess that they are. Skin peeling away with exposed muscle. _

_She doesn’t get to examine herself further because all of a sudden the car stops. _

_The quick deceleration causes her to almost knock her head into the other side of the trunk, pitching forward. She catches herself with her hands, though it causes more pain from where the glass shard broke her skin. Fuck Newton’s laws of physics. _

_Grabbing the shard, she rips apart the bottom of her bloody shirt. It can be used as a wrap to protect her hands from the glass since it is now a weapon. _

_With a small movement, she can tell someone closed the door of the car. Footsteps proceed and she can tell they are close. _

_In one movement, the trunk opens, light streams in, almost blinding her like the lantern. She doesn’t have the luxury of adjusting. With not much vision, she lashes out with the shard. A shocked yell lets her know she hit her target. _

_With her vision slowly coming back, she clambers out of the trunk and there is a man clutching his shoulder where there is a clear rip where she sliced him. He isn’t impaired as much as she hoped._

_She runs. _

_The footsteps rumble behind her._

_Her feet slow her down. Kicking the lantern may not have been her best move. Glass is being pushing more into her skin and gravel joining it._

_Then she hears a swish and she turns behind her just in time to see a crowbar being swung at her head._

_It crushes her face in, unable to see anything anymore. Or think. _

_Because she’s dead._


Anette chuckles to herself with how graphic she could make the death. Just as she is about to add more into her character’s demise, Professor T tells them that time is up.

Damn. She wanted to add more. Shrugging mentally, she guesses it will have to do.


(Third part to Deadly Assignment. Last will be Song’s story and then I’ll be working on a direct sequel to Deadly Assigmment.)

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