Create a detailed depiction of a nocturnal plant that blooms only under the light of a full moon.


You attack my appearance

When after I say nothing about yours

In a silly battle of words

Your mind goes to my face

My hair

How I am presented

My body

When I never said anything of yours

You whisper curses behind my back

Thinking I’ll never hear

But I do

It hurts my feelings knowing you speak ill of me

Knowing someone I liked turned on me

To being out of ideas going for the easy target

How someone looks

Something they can’t change easily is the perfect thing to pick on for you

The words you say to my friends about me

And the words you say to my face are different

Pennies are supposed to be lucky

But you’re just two faced

Asking for an apology means nothing to you

Since you’re not sorry

You’ll say it again

Because I know

What you say about others

Reflect your true self

Something concealer can’t fix

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