Write a scene where you insert flashbacks for the protagonist to offer insight into their current situation.

Make sure the flashback serves as more than mere exposition; it should contribute to character development or plot.


If I’d said no. If I’d just said no….


**“So, do you go to school around here?” He pried.**

**“No,” I lie, pulling my jacket over my chest.**

**He was chipper. “You must go to school. You’re so young. You’re probably very mature for your age.”**

**I’d heard that phrase before. The last man to tell me I was mature for my age was more than twice my age and wanted me for inappropriate things.**

**“Yeah, I go to school. Homeschool” I prolong my dishonesty. **


If only I’d told him my dad was tracking my location.


“So what are you doing out here?”

“Waiting for my…boyfriend”

“That’s a shame. I’d like to make you happy.”


Author’s Note: so I’m cutting this story off. Rough morning.

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