
In this world all things are backwards.

Love is now hate.

Patience is now rage.

Protection is now projection.

Loyalty is now infidelity.

Companionship is now loneliness.

The idea of family is lost.

The idea of happiness is gone.

In a world where we are meant to live life,

We allow ourselves to be crushed by death.

We cannot continue to live in a world like this.

Corruption, misguidance, incompetence, and lack of accountability. This is our world now.

Allowing those to invade our land in order to take advantage of our freedom.

Protecting those who commit heinous crimes.

Pretending to be blind to the truth that is in our faces.

The truth is there. It always has been.

But instead of truth, people accept what’s backwards.

The accept only lies to make themselves feel better.

They believe the ones who are trying to help are trying to hurt them.

They believe those who pray for them are condemning them to hell.

They believe the absolute opposite of what the truth tells.

They are backwards in their thinking and beliefs.

They are backwards on the idea of help.

Instead they wish to lay waste to the land they live on, or the land they wish they could have - instead of caring for the land they come from, or the land they have come to rest in.

In order to be happy, you first must take care of what it is that makes you happy. Otherwise, it will crumble to the ground. Like a landslide of all your hopes and dreams for the future.

This world is backwards in its way of thinking.

The enemy is now our friend and our friend is now our enemy.

But the enemy smiles in your face but wishes for your down fall; while your friend prays for your success and health.

Do not think backwards in these times, because thinking backwards will continue to set us back from the potential future of joy, happiness and peace.

Those who forget the past, are bound to repeat it. If you allow misguidance to consume your mind, you will fall off a cliff to your own demise. Remember that.

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