Writing Prompt
“Recklessly Positive”
“Devil hates happy” The elder said to me and a group of Of pilgrims I had known before the world Had a very very very bad cough.
And those words struck me then As I sat, listening him recount wisdom, This time, stroking my wife’s hand, That tender bit of sweetness unknown to me In the before times.
And I squeezed it with sheer gladness Pulsing her reciprocally playful fingers In mine.
For fear— fear plagued our young marriage Fear plaguing those in a world exiting plague, Fear of subjecting my wife to a new religion, To strange customs, and stranger in-laws, Whose own love of their own son would often But not always Turn them hawkish, and fierce In an attempt to build protective walls Around what they had worked so hard to Raise and cultivate.
And in this strangeness, it was and is tempting To exercise trepidation To apologize for intrusion To make amends for lack of expectation To give a sigh when that long-ago expected image Of what perfect would be was not there
And all that slow, while The kind of while which twists and wrings the heart Like a sponge dripping cold anxiety with each breath.
All that slow while, the little horned one The accuser The deceiver Laughed and laughed, knowing that in sowing fear for a reality That was not the ideal He could destroy the germination of something good
And so I squeezed And she squeezed back And back And back again And squeeze and squeeze and squeeze and squeeze
Without heed nor care of who was watching.
We were reckless in our commitment to showing each other that we cared. The Devil hated that and we love it.
The Secret
I sit on my bed doing my work Focused Progressing more with each passing minute I smile, proud of the work I’ve done
Until I hear the sound The sound that makes me stiff The sound that makes me shake The footsteps The creaky stairs that follow him with every step
Where’s mom? I should say no I should scream until my lungs hurt He says I’m beautiful My doubting mind listening to each word Hungry for admiration
He knows what I need He knows my flaws and how to use them against me I stay silent, knowing I would rather go through hell Then to put my mom there
It would destroy her So I move backwards to not have to feel the pain of the future.
Ready? Player One…?
Ready player one Is all about moving backwards. Really really fast. Fast as we can. Tripping over the past Digging up our faults out of that cosmic trash can. Player one. Who is that. It can’t always be you. I’ve learned that, Because there’s those out there Who scheme And plot And raid And terrorize And cheat And kill.
What about that
What if it’s not out there? Better worse, what if it is?
A canon ball tied to my feet.
Watching the sky
As the island sinks.
Enthralling Euphoria
The kind that only comes before mass
Forward And Backward
Backwards My mind hurtles backwards Back when I was happy Laughing with my friends Smiling with my family Feeling on top.
Then it jolts back To the present, The forwards.
Where I have no friends. My family thinks I’m insane. I feel crushed, under the weight Of everything that’s happened
Since I was backwards.
Somewhere Only We Know
I I walked across an empty land. It felt like the back of my hand. I felt the earth beneath my feet. Sat by the river and it made me incomplete.
The wind that whispers, soft and slow, A tale of memories from a long time ago, Had faded deep, like a distant sound, That's lost within the hollow ground.
The rivers murmur, low and deep, Tells memories that it long did keep, It speaks of memories it embarks, Of dreams that once left their mark.
I listen close, but can't hold tight, The stories slip, as day turns to night. I stand and watch the current flow, A quiet truth I’ll never know.
Scared of the past
(This is a palindrome poem so when you finish you read each line from the bottom up)
To fly backwards in time I don’t think I would want, After all I’ve been through, To make anything different Because all I want is To live in the moment I don’t know how To heal because Regretting things won’t help All I know is I can learn from my mistakes Going backwards
Backwards Truth
Backwards Where right is wrong And wrong is right
Different views That leads to many fights
A world where Up is down And down is up
Can make you feel You’ve had enough
Should you change your mind For what’s not true Just because It’s being told to you
They’ll get upset But stand your ground The truth of things Will eventually come around
The Unconditional Catch
I started falling backwards Into and old familiar face I started falling backwards Into an old rythm pulling at my waist I started falling backwards Into a cold but tender gaze I started falling backwards Into my old ways
Then you pulled me forward With your never-flinching stare You pulled me forward Encourging my heart to bounce without fear You pulled me foward Into the best me I could be You pulled me forward My love, thank thee
Square One
Back to square one, To where I began, To where I started, ‘Cause I lost my chance.
I lost my chance To move forward, So that is why I’m here, Moving backwards To where it all began.
Starting back here, Beginning anew once more, Starting fresh, Trying again to make it to The end.
Trying to move forward, Past where I was, Past where I stand now, Push, push, push, Until I reach My goal.
I must go on, Push myself to the limit, For I can’t go Backwards… Not anymore, Never again shall I Move Backwards.
Backwards Backwards is all I feel “It will get better” “Let the meds kick in” No It’s not getting better It’s getting worse I’m sitting crying in my room while you tell me to simply ignore it or whatever you’re trying to say This isn’t even a poem at this point it’s a vent Because I’m so fucking sick of everyone telling me it will get better It won’t So stop Stop letting me know your story You story isn’t mine mom My story is different not worse or better But I don’t need to hear yours constantly Your not the victim right now Neither am I I’m just a corpse at the bottom of the ocean Drowned by the doctors Drowned by falling Falling Falling backwards