This is Goodbye

The man, Charles, sat on the couch of his home fidgeting his hands. A bead of sweat rolled down his pale face. This was the day that Charles had decided he would file for a divorce with his wife, Clara. He had gotten into a messy affair with another woman at his job. His secretary. Yet, Clara didn’t know anything about it. Charles assumed that she wouldn’t want to be with him after he had told her so he thought divorce was the best option. It was now 4:45 P.M. Fifteen minutes until Clara arrived home. Fifteen minutes until it was over. Charles grabbed two thin wine glasses along with a bottle of Château Lafite-Rothschild. He popped open the crimson red lid, and poured an equal amount in both. He then sat back down on the tan leather couch as he ran his hand through his golden-like blond hair. At this point, he looked exhausted. Eye bags under his ocean blue eyes, his breathing was heavy and rapid. The man was stressed and there was no denying it. Suddenly, the sound of an engine arrived right outside the house. Clara was home. Keys were heard at the door, trying to get in. The door opened and Clara was revealed. She wore a formal brown plaid dress that hugged her waist in all the right ways, and a blazer that was a darker shade of brown with gold buttons. Her luscious, neatly coiffed brunette hair drooping down her shoulders. That’s when Charles realized what a beautiful woman he had taken advantage of.

Clara then spoke, “Good evening, love.”

“Evening, love.” Charles spoke with a shaky voice. “We need to talk. Please sit down.”

After Clara had settled in, she finally sat down next to him, picking up a wine glass.

“How do I put this..” He began to clench his fists.

Charles took a deep breath before speaking, “I’ve been having an..affair with my secretary at work. I’m..sorry, Clara.”

“W-..What?” She asked in shock, placing a now empty wine glass on the table.

“I’ve been…cheating on you with my secretary at work.” He specified.

Clara’s expression quickly went from shock to denial. She clenched her skirt trying to conceal the pain that she was going through.

“God…This can’t be..” She spoke in almost a whisper, beginning to tremble. Her eyes began to water..

Charles had no clue what to do. Should he comfort her? No…that wouldn’t make sense. He looked up at her with an almost empathic look on his face.

“I’ve been thinking about this a lot..and..I knew that this relationship wouldn’t last any longer so I decided that we should get a divorce.”

The tears that had been forming in her eyes had finally fallen down her cheeks. She looked like an angel that shouldn’t have been caught crying, ever. An overwhelming feeling of guilt sparked throughout his body.

“H-how long has this been..going on for..?” She spoke in-between sniffles.

“A year now.” He replied.

Although Clara was quiet, her mind was loud with questions awaiting to be answered. Why did he do this? Why didn’t I see any clues that hinted I wasn’t for him? Though, she wasn’t the type of person to fight back. She only kept quiet.

“We can consult a lawyer and sign the papers this weekend if your on board with the..whole divorce.”

Clara nodded and spoke one last time, “I need to be left alone right now.”

She walked up the stairs to her room, and gently closed the door.

“I guess this is goodbye.” Charles muttered, pouring another glass of wine staring at her empty one.

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